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Course Catalog 1998/99

Business Adm and Social Science
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Courses given in English

Name Course
Accounting Theory and Consolidated Financial Statements IEF323
Administration, Research and Planning IES004
Advanced Project Management IEO015
AI Introduction to Computer- and System Science IED300
AI Introduction to Computer- and System Science IED600
AII Introduction to Computer and Systems Science IED301
AII Introduction to Computer and Systems Science IED601
Analysis of Competition and dev of Corpor. Strategy IEO010
Applayed mathematichs IED312
Applied Mathematical Economics IEN326
Approaches in scientific work IEO324
Basic course in Business Administration IEF001
Basic course in Business Administration I IEF015
Basic course in Business Administration II IEF016
Basic Course in Political Science A IES304
Basic Course in Political Science A IES601
Basic Law IER602
Basic Law IER625
Basic Law AI IER309
Basic Statistics IEK315
Basic Statistics A1 IEK309
Basic Statistics AI IEK600
Basic Theory of Science IES323
Basics of Quality Technology IEK314
Business Adm. CI/DI, Financial Accounting and Auditing IEF321
Business Adm. D I - concentration upon organization IEO322
Business Administration A II IEM607
Business Administration BII IEM323
Business Administration C II IEO320
Business Administration CI IEM330
Business Administration CI - concentration upon organizati IEO319
Business Administration D II IEO323
Business Intelligence IEO016
Business Law IER617
Business Strategy BII:2 IEM509
C-programming IED311
Commercial and Employment Law IER001
Commercial Law I IER305
Commercial Law II IER306
Computer Communication in Information Systems IED302
Computer Services Support IED313
Consumer Behavior IEM322
Corporate Analysis IEF328
Database Systems Development IED006
Decision Background Analysis to Urban Planning IES002
Decision Support System IED001
Degree Project IEF309
Degree Project C IED305
Degree Project CII IEM331
Degree Project D IED307
Degree Project, CII International Business IEM503
Degree Project, CII Marketing IEM309
Degree Project, DII Marketing IEM317
Discrete Event Simulation and Stochastic Processes IET006
East European Studies IES007
East European Studies IES316
Econometrics IEN331
Economic History A IES604
Economic History A1 IES312
Economics IEN002
Economics, Advanced Level IEN322
Economics, Advanced Level, Thesis IEN310
Economics, Advanced Level, Thesis IEN311
Electronic Commerse IED322
Employment Law IER310
Employment Law IER608
Employment Law IER622
Entrepreneurship and new firms formation IEO009
Environmental Economics IEN003
Environmental Economics IEN603
Environmental Law IER005
Environmental Law IER330
Equal Opportunities? IES624
Ethics in Engineering IES005
Familylaw IER609
Financial Accounting IEF326
Freight Transport Systems, Basic Course in Logistics IET001
History of Technology IES008
History of Technology IES015
Human and Economic Geograph IES313
Human and Economic Geography IES623
Ideas, Business and Enterprise in Visiting Industry IEO615
Individual Course IER335
Industrial Logistics, Advanced Course IET042
Industrial Logistics, Project Work IET063
Industrial Marketing IEM002
Industrial Marketing IEM328
Industrial Marketing BI:2 IEM507
Information Management in Databasesystems IED303
Intermediate Macroeconomics B IEN328
Intermediate Microeconomics IEN327
Intermediate Thesis IEN329
International Business CI IEM502
International Business DI IEM504
International Business Environment BI:I IEM506
International Marketing IEM006
International Marketing IEM329
International trade & Environmental economics IEN333
International trade & Environmental economics IEN633
Internet - Webdesign IED323
Introduction to General Systems Theory IED320
Introduction to Information Technology IED316
Introduction to Internet IED315
Introduction to Internet IED603
Introduction to Internet Programming IED319
Introduction to Internet Programming IED602
Introduction to Windowsprogramming C and Visual Basic IED003
Introductory Development economics IEN627
Introductory Financial economics IEN628
Introductory Macroeconomics IEN334
Introductory Macroeconomics IEN634
Introductory Microeconomics IEN332
Introductory Microeconomics IEN632
Investment and Finance IEF010
ISS A - Information Technology I IEI303
ISS A - Introduction to Systems Science II IEI312
ISS BI - Systems Design IEI307
ISS BII - Information Technology II IEI308
ISS CI - Modelling and Decision Systems IEI309
ISS CII - Degree Project IEI310
IT-management IED314
Judicial Theory IER334
Juris Prucence DI IER338
Juris Prudence A I IER317
Juris Prudence AII IER331
Juris Prudence C IER610
Juris Prudence CII IER323
Juris Prudence DII IER339
Landlaw IER328
Law and Jurisprudence IER002
Law for Engineers IER004
Law of Building Construction IER006
Law of Property IER316
Law of Urban Construction IER003
Local Government A IES608
Macroeconomics IEN006
Macroeconomics, Advanced Level IEN320
Macroeconomics, Advanced Level IEN323
Macrotheory & Economic Policy IEN335
Macrotheory & Economic Policy IEN635
Management IEO014
Management IEO311
Management Accounting IEF327
Management Control IEF014
Management Control III IEF324
Management Control IV IEF325
Management Information Systems Theory IEI305
Manufacturing Strategy IEO011
Marketing Management IEM327
Marketing Research IEM012
Marketing Research IEM320
Mathematical Statistics IEK017
Mathematical Statistics IEK018
Mathematical Statistics IEK020
Microeconomics IEN005
Microeconomics, advanced level IEN319
Middle East Studies IES013
Negotiations IER009
Negotiations in Theory and Practice IER611
Operating Systems IED309
Operations Research IET005
Organization IEO326
Organization and Human Resource Management IEO603
Organization and Leadership IEO601
Organizational Behaviour IEO002
Organizational Change IEO013
Organizational Cultures IEO310
Personal Selling IEM332
Political Science C II, Degree Project IES309
Political Science, Advanced Course C I IES308
Political Science, Advanced Course D I IES321
Political Science, advanced Course, B IES307
Political Science, advanced course, B IES602
Politics, technology and the natural environment IES018
Principle of Marketing for Non-Business Majors IEM011
Principles of Marketing IEM008
Principles of Marketing IEM333
Production Management IEF013
Production Management IEF312
Production Planning and Inventory Control IET021
Project and Leadership IEO308
Project in Quality Management IEK100
Project in Swedish Management IEO018
Project Management IEO012
Public Administration IES315
Public Law IER326
Qualitative Methodology IEI302
Quality Improvement with Industrial Design of Experiments IEK034
Quality Management, Introduction course IEK004
Real-Time Information Systems for Command and Control 1 IED304
Real-time Information Systems for Command and Control II IED306
Relationship Marketing IEM018
Relationship Marketing IEM326
Research Methodology IEM017
Research Methodology IEM508
Scientific Method IEM334
Scientific Method IEM336
Seminars in Industrial Marketing IEM022
Service Marketing IEM015
Service Marketing IEM321
Small Business Financing in Small and Medium Sized Enterp IEF322
Social Sciences - Empirical Application IES305
Socioeconomic and Environmental Aspects of Urban Planning IES611
Software Engineering IED321
Special Project in Industrial Marketing IEM020
Special Project in International Business IEM014
Special Project in International Business IEM016
Strategic Management IEO327
Strategic Marketing Management IEM010
Strategic Marketing Management IEM335
Sweden and the European Union IES320
Sweden and the Swedish Way of Living IES017
Sweden´s Political and Social System IES016
Systems Constructions IED310
Taxation Law IER303
Taxation Law IER327
Technology and the Theory of Science and Research IES009
Thesis IEO019
Thesis IES322
Thesis DII, International Business IEM505
Thesis, Industrial Logistics IET101
Thesis, Industrial Marketing IEM101
Thesis, Quality Engineering IEK099
Total Quality Management IEK024
Total Quality Management through Customer Focused Prod.Dev IEK044
Women in Management IEO610
Written paper B IER333

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Last edited 1998-12-16