Luleå University of Technology
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Course Catalog 1998/99

Communication and Languages
Sort order: Course code
Courses given in English

Name Course
Academic and Business Writing KSS020
Adventure Education KSP610
An Introduction to Culture and Language - German I KSS039
An Introduction to Culture and Language - Spanish I KSS038
Art II KSP021
Basic Literacy, Optional Course IV KSP029
Ceramics for Teachers KSP612
Childhood and Youth Culture KSP045
Communication and Manuals KSK006
Comparative Literature A KSS631
Comparative Literature B KSS651
Comparative Literature C KSS667
Creativity and Communication KSP044
Culture Recreation and Society KSP049
Drama KSK608
English - Advanced Writing for Students of Technology KSS009
English A KSS603
English A I KSS021
English AII KSS024
English BII KSS672
English for After School Activities Teachers KSP012
English for Business Purposes KSS034
English for Hydro-electric Engineers KSS035
English for Pre-School Teachers KSP011
English for Primary School Teachers KSP013
English for Students of Industrial Economics KSS005
English for Students of Technology KSS001
English for Students of Technology KSS033
English Optional Course II KSP023
English with a didactic perspective KSP315
English, B KSS602
English, C KSS607
Finnish A I KSS622
Finnish A II, Independent Course KSS629
Finnish Culture, Optional Course III KSP028
Finnish Language, Optional Course I KSP026
Finnish, Bilinqualism, Optional Course II KSP027
French KSS015
French (EEIGM) KSS011
French A KSS611
French A1 KSS627
French AII KSS630
French B KSS612
German KSS012
German KSS017
German KSS032
German KSS661
German KSS663
German A KSS608
German AI KSS662
German B KSS614
Japanese KSS018
Japanese II KSS028
Make language Come Alive KSS644
Media Analysis and Narratology KSS669
Music, Optional Course II KSP017
Philosophy and Literature KSS668
Photography for Teachers KSP611
Physical Activities, Outdoor Education and Health II KSP019
Playing Musical Instruments KSP609
Preschool and Culture KSP047
Reading Fiction KSP302
Retoric for Women KSK607
Sami KSP034
Sami KSP035
Sami KSP036
Scandinavian Literature KSP040
Spanish KSS016
Swedish - Language Development and Language Use KSP301
Swedish - the Linguistic and Literary heritage KSP304
Swedish as a Second Language KSP051
Swedish for Beginners AI:1 KSS639
Swedish for Beginners AI:2, Continues Course KSS640
Swedish for Beginners AII:1, Intermediate Course KSS641
Swedish for Beginners AII:2, Advanced Course KSS642
Swedish for Law Students KSS027
Swedish Language A KSS632
Swedish Language B KSS653
The Autonomous Student Teacher KSP046
The Creative Workshop,Art Educ. and Woodcraft in Interact. KSP007
The Important years in Language Acquisition KSP608
The Modern Youth Novel KSS666
Torne Valley Finnish KSP030
Torne Valley Finnish KSP031
Women's Literature KSS650

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Valid for school year 1998/99.
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University Campus, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. +46 (0) 920-91 000, fax +46 (0) 920-91 399
Last edited 1998-12-18