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Course Catalog 1998/99

Communication and Languages

KSP301 Swedish - Language Development and Language Use 15.0 ECTS credits

Q 1, 2


Rune Westerlund Univ adj

Eligibility for course admission to begin the study programme in Compulsory School Education for Forms 4-9.

The aim of the course is to provide increased knowledge of the communicative function of language and its importance for the process of thought and creativity. The course should also provide knowledge about the linguistic development of the individual and the varieties of language, taking into account geographical, social and gender differences. The course should develop the skills of the students so they can pay attention to and support the linguistic development and use of language of the pupil. The students should develop their communication skills through speech, writing and drama.

Speech: oral presentation, reading aloud, story telling, 3 credits
Writing: the writing process in theory and practice - the language as a tool for thinking and creativity, 3 credits
Drama as a method for personal development and educational aid, 1.5 credits
Children's linguistic development, 3 credits
The varieties of language, taking into account regional, social, gender and age differences, 4.5 credits

Classes, lectures, seminars and group work.
Theme work that will integrate the different forms of communication. The course will include teaching practice.

The students will be graded on assignment reports and theme work. Active participation is required.


Andersson, Lars-Gunnar (1989), "Attityder till språk." Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Carin Sandqvist & Ulf Teleman (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.
Arnqvist, Anders (1993), Barns språkutveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Kap. 1Ð9. ISBN 91-44-35961-6.
Bergman, Gösta (1968 eller senare), "Svenska dialekter". Ur: Bergman, Gösta,
Kortfattad svensk språkhistoria. S. 219Ð231. Stockholm: Bokförlaget Prisma.
ISBN 91-518-1747-0.
Dahlberg, Gunilla, "Språk och socialisation. Om barns sätt att skapa mening i tillvaron."
Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Sandqvist, Carin & Teleman, Ulf (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.
Erberth, Bodil & Rasmusson, Viveka (1991), Undervisa i pedagogiskt drama.
Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-33591-1.
Einarsson, Jan & Hultman, Tor G. (1984), Godmorgon flickor och pojkar. Om språk och kön i skolan. Stockholm: Liber. ISBN 91-38-61327-1. (Läses enligt anvisningar.)
Hultman, Tor G. (1989), "Skrivutveckling i ett pragmatiskt perspektiv".
Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Sandqvist, Carin & Teleman, Ulf (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.
Kotsinas, Ulla-Britt (1994), Ungdomsspråk. Ord och stil. Språkvårdssamfundets skrifter 25. Kap. 1Ð9, 12Ð13. Uppsala: Hallgren & Fallgren. ISBN 91 7382 718 5.
Larsson, Kent (1989), "Språket, vetandet och inlärningen". Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Sandqvist, Carin & Teleman, Ulf (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.
Nyberg, Sven (1992), Alla har var sitt moln. Kreativ skrivning i grundskolan. Stockholm: Utbildningsradion. ISBN 91-26-88100-4.
Pettersson, Åke (1989), "Utvecklingslinjer och utvecklingskrafter i elevernas
uppsatser". Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Sandqvist, Carin &
Teleman, Ulf (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.
Strömquist, Siv (1989) Skrivlära. Malmö: Liber. ISBN 91-40-60928-6.
Svenska skrivregler utgivna av Svenska språknämnden (1991). Solna: Almqvist & Wiksell Förlag. ISBN 91-21-11280-0.
Teleman, Ulf (1989), "Språkutveckling under skoltiden: ett problemfält".
Ur: Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Sandqvist, Carin & Teleman, Ulf (red.). Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-29681-9.

Kopierat material. Referenslitteratur enligt separat lista.


Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-12-18