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Course Catalog 1998/99

Human Work Science
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Courses given in English

Name Course
Advanced Technical Acoustics ARF002
Anatomy and Physiology ARA010
Audiotechnology and Acoustics ARF006
Computer Aided Industrial Design (CAID) ARD004
Computer-Aided Industrial Design ARA009
Ergonomics in design ARD001
Function and Form ARG002
Function and form - Design methods ARD003
Geometric Modelling/Computer Aided Design ARG007
History of ideas ARP304
Human-Computer Interaction ARP003
Industrial Design ARG004
Industrial Design ARG009
Industrial Work Environment ARG005
Knowledge View in Changing ARK600
Man-Machine Interaction II ARP004
Man-Machine-Interaction ARP001
Masters Research Project ARE022
Modelling and Presentation Technique ARG003
Modelling and presentation technique ARD002
Philosophy of science ARP303
Physical and Chemical Environmental Techniques ARF005
Planning and Design of the Industrial Plant ARA005
Production and Workorganisation ARA001
Production Systems ARA002
Psychology A ARP601
Psychology and Sociology ARP007
Psychology B ARP301
Psychology B ARP602
Psychology C ARP302
Psycology A ARP300
Psycology CD ARP307
Research and survival ARK601
Scientific Theory and Methodology ARP006
Sketching, Visual thinking and Rendering ARD006
Sociology A ARS300
Sociology A ARS601
Sociology B ARS301
Sociology B ARS602
Sociology C ARS302
Sociology C ARS603
Sociology CD ARS307
Statistics ARP305
Statistics ARS304
Technical Acoustics ARF001
Thesis ARG006
Understandings of technology - feminist persepctives ARK002
Understandings of technology - feminist persepctives ARK003
Work Environment ARG001
Work Sciences and Personel Administration ARS306
Workplace Design ARA011

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Last edited 1998-12-16