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Course Catalog 1998/99

Human Work Science

ARS601 Sociology A 30.0 ECTS credits



Antony Lindgren Univ lekt

General eligibility for admission.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with a fundamental understanding of the functioning of society and a summary of sociological problems and methods to solve these problems.

The course consists of the following four parts:
Part 1. Method (5p)
Introduction to general principles within sociological research and theory. Methods for data collection and data analysis. Quantitative and qualitative approaches. Basic statistics. Practical applications.
Part 2. Social psychology. (5p)
Deals with how human actions, thinking, and attitudes are affected by the social environment, for example upbringing and class. The theories of social psychology are applied to show current problems in society. Classic works in social psychology.
Part 3. Sociological theory. (5p)
Introduction to fundamental sociological concepts and applications at institutional and group level in different societies. Sociology as a social science and the role of sociology in society.
Part 4. Organisational sociology. (5p)
Classical and modern organisational theory. Characteristics of the functioning of organisations. How companies and organisations work in the Swedish labour market. Organisational theory.

Lectures, seminars, group work, and laboratory work.

The examination will be in the form of written examinations, taken on three occasions. Certain parts demand approved laboratory and group work. Course grades as above.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Pass with dis

Written exam Organisational Sociology 7.50ECTS
Project work, Sociological Theory-Written exam 7.50ECTS
Written exam, Social Psychology 7.50ECTS
Written exam, Method 7.50ECTS

Part 1. Method
Hellevik, Ottar. ( 1984). Forskningsmetoder i sociologi och statsvetenskap, Natur och Kultur, Lund.
Hughes, JA & Månsson, S-A. (1988). Kvalitativ sociologi, Studentlitteratur, Lund.
Part 2. Social psychology
Deaux, K, Wrightsman, LS. (1984). Social Psychology in the 80's, Brooks / Cole Publ Co.
Semhede, O. (1984). Av drömmar väver man, Utbildningsproduktion, Malmö.
Schellenberg, JA. (1984). Socialpsykologins förgrundsgestalter, Wahlström & Widstrand, Stockholm. 
Part 3. Sociological theory
Raymond Aron. (1973). Sociologiskt tänkande, del 1. Argos, Lund.
Raymond Aron. (1977). Sociologiskt tänkande, del 2. Argos, Lund.
Marxx, Karl. (1970). Om förkapitalistiska produktionssätt, Arbetarkultur Förlag, Stockholm.
Weber, Max. Den protestantiska etiken och kapitalismens anda, Argos, Lund.
Durkheim, Emilie. (1968). Självmordet (Särtryck), Argos, Lund.
Part 4. Organisational sociology
Abraharnsson, Bengt. (1986). Varför finns organisationer? Norstedts, Stockholm.
Backa, Jörgen & Fivelsdal, Egil. (1988). Organisationsteori. Struktur, kultur, processer. Liber, Stockholm. Michels, Robert. (1983). Organisationer och demokrati. Ratio, Uppsala.

Further literature will be presented later.

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-12-16