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Course Catalog 1998/99

Mechanical Engineering
Courses given in English
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Name Course
Advanced Fluid Mechanics MTM038
Analytical Mechanics MTF001
Applied Fluid Mechanics MTM075
Applied Quantum Mechanics MTF074
Applied Solid Mechanics MTM040
Astrophysics and Cosmology MTF076
Atomic and Molecular Physics MTF070
Computational Geometry MTM041
Computational Methods in Mechanics (F) MTM081
Computational Methods in Mechanics (M) MTM021
Electromagnetic Field Theory II MTF075
Energy Plant and Systems Engineering MTM044
Finite Element Method MTM025
Fluid Mechanics MTM082
Fuels, Combustion and Gasification Technology MTM029
Heat and Mass Transfer MTM023
Hydraulics I MTM024
Internal Combustion Engines MTM080
Mechanical Vibrations MTM065
Mechanical Vibrations, continuation course MTM078
Mechanical Waves MTM074
Nuclear Engineering MTM079
Particle and Nuclear Physics MTF071
Quantum Physics MTF067
Quantum Physics for EEIGM MTF057
Quantum Physics II MTF073
Solid State Physics MTF064
Statistical Mechnics and Thermodynamics MTF072
Theory of Relativity MTF066
Thermal Turbomachines and Steam Boilers MTM039
Tribology MTM043
Variational Methods in Solid Mechanics MTM030

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Last edited 1998-12-17