Luleå University of Technology
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Course Catalog 1998/99

Chemical and Metallurgical Eng
Courses given in English
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Course Name
KMA002 Chemical Engineering Design
KMK005 Organic Chemistry
KMK019 Physical Chemistry I (Thermodynamics and Chemical Kinetics
KMK027 Surface and Colloid Chemistry
KMK035 Physical Chemistry II (Spectroscopy)
KMK037 Physical Chemistry with Thermodynamics
KMK039 Environmental Chemistry
KMK041 Technical Analytical Chemistry
KMK044 Environmental Chemistry
KMM005 Mineral Processing Technology
KMP004 Metallurgy, Introductory Course
KMT007 Chemical Reaction Engineering, part A
KMT012 Chemical Reaction Enginering, cont. course

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Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-12-16