Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS002 The Pre-School Within the Community 15.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University



Lisbeth Lindström Univ adj

The general and course admission requirements for studies at the study programme for Pre-school Teachers.

The students should have knowledge of the pre-school within the community and about the childhood in the community today, from a sociological perspective. They should have knowledge about: The situation, encounter of cultures, multiculture and multilingual of the ethnical groups and minorities. Which demands that are places on pre-school and how content and working procedures can be formulated to meet children with different childhood from a sociological perspective and to give every child support for its development of identity and competence. Basic scientific approaches. The students should have knowledge about: -the role of pre-school in the Social Services within the community today from a historical and futur perspective, -relations between childhood and adolecence from a sociological perspective and children«s and young people«s development, -theories of socializations, -language and identity, Swedish as a second language, -immigration and refugee politics, the refugee reception, -social problem in the community, children who are being treated badly and the compensating role of the pre-school, -issues of religion and values, -how the pre-school can meet children with background in different childhood from a sociological perspective, -plannings for a goal-directed activity, -basic scientific approached, research traditions, research methods and report writing, -computer, libary, information system, -computer and word processing, -topical public debate about the theme of the course, -oral and written presentation, -voice analysis, vocal techniques. The students should work on and: -be conscious of their own attidudes and values related to childhood from a sociological perspective, sex role, equality of opportunity, ethnical groups and minorities, -be conscious of their role as cultural bearer and cultural mediator, -be prepared to meet people in crisis and grief, The students should be able to: -plan an activity that meet needs in children with different childhood from a sociological perspective, -apply a scientific way of working, plan, carry out and report.

Discovery by learning is applied in the course. Central problems are worked out. The students should critical evaluate a research report/a report of a work with development as an introduction to the research methodology and the individual project work. The project work is carried out in groups with students, if possible, from the same practice area. Field studies are part of the course.

Lectures, lessons, seminars, group work.

Students will be graded on content and process of the project work, the written report, course assignments and literature.

Education/Social Subjects/Swe/Computer/Methods              	15.0 ECTS

* Ped/Met/SO/Data Almqvist, K. (1992). Flyktingbarn. Socialstyrelsen. Berg, E. Macintosh med MacWrite II och Claris Works. Gren, J (1994). Etik i pedagogens vardag. Gustafsson, A (senaste upplagan). Kommun och landsting idag. Liber läromedel. Guvå, G. (1985). Från jag till vi. Socialstyrelsen. Helander, L & Johansson, A (1995). Möte med Religioner. Liber Utbildning. Hindberg, B. (1990).Familjevåld som drabbar barn. Socialstyrelsen. Johansson, H. Rapportering av ex-arbete. Stencil (delas ut av läraren). Kulturdepartementet. (1995). Invandrar- och flyktingpolitiken. Langley, M (1994). Världens religioner. Örebro: Libris. Liljeström, R. (1992).Uppväxtvillkor. Publica. Patel, R., & Davidsson, B. (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Studentlitteratur. Sjöwall, A (1994). Kulturmöten i barnomsorg och skola. Studentlitteratur. Socialstyrelsen. (1987).Pedagogiskt program för förskolan. Allmänna förlaget. Kompendier. Obligatorisk litteratur som behandlar aktuell forkning om barns uppväxtvillkor ur ett samhällsperspektiv. Ca 200 sidor skön- och/eller faktalitteratur i samråd med examinator, inom området "barn som far illa". * Svenska Strömqvist, S. (1989).Skrivlära. Liber. Tingbjörn, G. (1981). Invandrarbarn och tvåspråkigheten. Liber. GrŸnbaum, C. (1991). Punkt, komma, frågetecken. Almqvist & Wiksell.


Last modified 97-03-05
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