General information about studying at Luleå University of Technology

Note: Courses in this catalogue are for the academic year 1995/96. Some minor changes will occur for the academic year 1996/97.

A selection of ordinary undergraduate courses given at Luleå University in the fields of engineering, business administration, education and music can be offered in English.

The courses offered are those that are taken by Swedish undergraduate students generally in their third and fourth year of studies. The courses will be taught in English if an international exchange student is enrolled. Luleå University encourages stfrom universities with which it has bilateral student exchange agreements, or ISEP and ERASMUS contacts to take advantage of studying in English in Sweden. It must be noted, however, that only students enrolled at other universities willing to admit Luleå University's students on a tuition free basis can be accepted by Luleå University.

By combining courses offered by the School of Engineering or School of Business with an independant studies project and/or a final graduation project, an exchange student can thus study in Luleå for a full semester or a full year.

Finally, it must be noted that any course offered in English that is not chosen by any Swedish undergraduate students, will not be given.

Undergraduate students may also take graduate courses, provided they get the approval of the course examiner to enroll.

Information about Music studies at Luleå University

The programs and courses offered by the School of Music make up one full semester or year of studies. The Luleå University School of Music is located in the town of Piteå, 57 km south of Luleå.

At the School of Music students take private lessons, small group classes and train in a symphony orchestra. Their work is continuously evaluated. Special theme projects with guest conductors are part of the studies.

Courses in Swedish

Although the acquisition of basic Swedish is not a requirement, exchange students are encouraged to take all opportunities to learn Swedish. There beginning courses in Swedish given each fall and spring. An intermediate course is given as well for persons who have acquired some Swedish.

Teaching and examinations

Undergraduate studies consist of a combination of lectures, lessons, labs and project work. Lectures for large groups of students are not common at Luleå University. Lessons are usually given to a group of up to thirty students and consist of both prtion of theory and problem solving.

Written examinations are given at the end of each quarter or semester for all the courses given during that period. The examinations can be between two and six hours long. Lab reports and design assignments may also be required.

Grading system and calculation of credits

Grades given by the School of Engineering are 3, 4 and 5. The grade 5 is the best grade. For some courses only the grade "pass" is given. It can be denoted by the the letter G or the letter P.

Grades given by the School of Business, the School of Music and the School of Education are "pass" or "pass with distinction". "Pass" can be denoted by the letter G or the letter P. "Pass with distinction" can be denoted by the letters VG or "pass with distinction".

For all graduate courses only the grade "pass" is registered on a transcript.

A fail is never registered; the student must sit for a re-take of a failed test.

The Swedish grading system does not allow a calculation of grade point average "GPA". Nor is there any ranking done of students according to grades upon graduation.

Swedish universities have a system of credit points for studies on the undergraduate and graduate levels. One point corresponds to one week«s full-time studies, which for the student means approximately 40 study hours per week, although the number of lectures and classes varies. One academic term comprises 20 weeks = 20 points.

One Swedish point is the American equivalent of 0.75 units (American credit hours) or the European equivalent of 1,5 ECTS credits.

Approximate division of the academic year
School of Engineering  Quarters I and  II      Quarters III and IV
                       Fall                    Spring       
                       about September 1       second week of January
                       to Christmas vacation to about June 10

School of Business     Fall Semester           Spring  Semester  
                       about September 1       week of January
                       to week of January 16   about June 10

School of Education    Fall Semester           Spring  Semester  
                       about August 19         second week of January
                       to Christmas vacation to about June 10

School of Music        Fall Semester           Spring  Semester  
                       about August 25         third week of January
                       to Christmas vacation to about June 5

The semesters are divided differently at the four schools. The School of Engineering has a quarter system while the School of Business, School of Education and the School of Music have a two semester system.

Testing periods

Testing periods for the School of Engineering: Tests are given after each quarter. The dates given in parentheses are for retakes of tests. No classes are given during these retake periods.

Testing periods for the School of Business and for the School of Education: Tests are given after each course. There are no set testing periods during the academic year. Retakes of tests are also spread out during the year. Other courses are given during the retake periods.

A general retake testing period is held August 20 through August 28.

Testing periods for the School of Music:

Tests are given during and after courses. There are no set testing periods during the academic year.

For exchange students in the School of Business, School of Education and School of Music staying only for the fall semester, final exams are taken before the Christmas vacation.

Exams from one's own university

If an international student needs to take an exam given by his/her home university during his/her stay in Luleå, this can be arranged. Normally the exam would be given during one of Luleå University's testing periods, but special arrangements caken into consideration. Exchange students should contact their Luleå University academic advisors for assistance.

Vacation Periods

School of Engineering Fall Semester (Quarters I and II) - no vacation days during the semester. Christmas vacation - generally December 20 through January 10 Spring Semester (Quarters III and IV) Easter vacation - one week Ascension Day followed by a vacation day on Friday Second day of Whitsun School of Business and School of Edcuation Fall Semester - no vacation days during the semester. Christmas vacation - generally December 20 through January 10 Spring Semester Easter vacation - one week Ascension Day followed by a vacation day on Friday Second day of Whitsun School of Music Fall Semester - no vacation days during the semester. Christmas vacation - generally December 20 through January 10 Spring Semester Spring vacation, generally early March - one week Easter vacation - one week Ascension Day followed by a vacation day on Friday Second day of Whitsun Enrolling assistance to incoming international students.

The planning of courses is mostly done by correspondence with Luleå University previous to arrival. Prospective exchange students are to notify Luleå University of the courses offered in English that they wish to enroll in by May 15 or Nov 15 phe semester they arrive.
Registration procedure
For application,  write to 

Luleå University
International Office
S-971 87 Luleå
Telefax: +46 920 720 99
Please mark the envelope "Studying in English". If possible, give a fax number as well as an e-mail address.

Some notes on the first edition of the luleå university catalogue of courses offered in english

We regret to say that there are both omissions and flaws in this first catalogue on WWW.

Some terms have not been translated. In order to help you understand confusing or untranslated terms, we have listed them below:

Example course description heading.

Department of Civil and Mining Engineering

ABM009    Rock Mechanics and Underground Construction
(course code)    (course name)

Level   Time period  Class period
(see below) (see below) (see below)

Explanation of terms.

Level: A = basic course, first course; B = intermediate course, second course; C = advanced course, third course; D = advanced course, fourth course.

Time period: the semester or quarter the course is given. Quarter can be denoted by "Q" or "Lp".

Class period: the position on the day schedule.

Translations of titles of course instructors.
Adj prof = Adjunct Professor
Doktorand = Ph D student
Fo ass = Junior Research Fellow
1 Fo ing = Senior Research Engineer
Univ adj = Lecturer
Univ lekt = Senior Lecturer
Prof = Professor 
Studierektor = Director of Studies
Docent = Senior Research Fellow
Civ ing = M. Sc. in Engineering
Forskare = Researcher
Utl lekt = Visiting Lecturer
Utl prof = Visiting Professor

Last modified 1996-01-17 by