Chapter 17.  Administration of ThinLinc using the Web Administration Interface

Table of Contents

17.1. Introduction
17.2. Configuring tlwebadm
17.3. Modules
17.3.1. The System Health Module
17.3.2. The Status Module
17.3.3. The VSM Module
17.3.4. The Profiles Module
17.3.5. The Locations Module
17.3.6. The Desktop Customizer Module
17.3.7. The Application Servers Module

17.1.  Introduction

This chapter describes the web-based ThinLinc administration interface called tlwebadm . This administration interface is installed automatically by the ThinLinc installation program, and may be accessed by pointing your web browser to https://<hostname>:1010. For information on configuring tlwebadm , for example setting a password or changing the default port, see the following section Section 17.2, “ Configuring tlwebadm ”.