Chapter 3.  Installation

Table of Contents

3.1. Overview
3.2. Server Requirements
3.2.1. ThinLinc System and Software Requirements
3.2.2. Windows RDP Server Requirements
3.2.3. Server Sizing
3.3. Preparing the Network for ThinLinc Installation
3.3.1. A Simple ThinLinc Setup
3.3.2. ThinLinc in a Novell Network
3.3.3. ThinLinc in a Windows Network
3.3.4. ThinLinc in a NAT/Split-DNS Environment
3.3.5. Using ThinLinc Web Access
3.3.6. Other Services Required by ThinLinc Servers
3.4. Installing the ThinLinc Remote Desktop Server
3.4.1. Starting the Installation Program
3.5. Upgrading an Old Installation
3.5.1. Acquire New Licenses
3.5.2. Starting the Installation Program
3.6. SELinux enabled distributions
3.7. The ThinLinc WTS Tools Package
3.7.1. Overview
3.7.2. Installing the WTS Tools Package on Windows Remote Desktop Servers
3.8. VirtualGL
3.8.1. Overview
3.8.2. Installation and configuration

3.1.  Overview

This chapter describes how to install the ThinLinc software on Linux and Windows Remote Desktop Servers. To upgrade an existing installation, see Section 3.5, “ Upgrading an Old Installation ”.

  1. If your setup includes a Windows Remote Desktop Server, we suggest installing this machine first. In addition, install the WTS Tools package on the Windows server, following the instructions in Section 3.7, “ The ThinLinc WTS Tools Package ”.

  2. Read through any platform-specific notes for your distribution. These can be found at

  3. Install the ThinLinc Master machine, following the instructions in Section 3.4.1, “ Starting the Installation Program ”.

  4. Optionally, install the ThinLinc Slave machines.