3.5.  Upgrading an Old Installation

Upgrading an old installation of ThinLinc is very much like installing it from scratch. The only difference is that you will have to decide how to migrate the configuration. The package manager decides how to deal with configuration files during upgrade in most cases, but when configuration files have changed between the previous and the new ThinLinc release, and have also been changed on the system, you need to decide how to proceed by selecting one of the options presented by tl-setup:

3.5.1.  Acquire New Licenses

Before performing an upgrade, find out if you need new license files to run the new version. ThinLinc license files delivered with version x.y.z will still work for versions with the same x and y but higher z, but not for increased x or y. For example, license files for ThinLinc 3.1.0 will still work for ThinLinc 3.1.1, but not for ThinLinc 3.2.0 or ThinLinc 4.0.0.

As the new licenses will work with the old (current) version, it's a good idea to install them as the first step in the upgrade process.

3.5.2.  Starting the Installation Program

The same installation program that you used to install ThinLinc is also used to upgrade it. It is located in the root directory of the Server Bundle. Extract the bundle and start the installation program as follows:

sh ./install-server

and answer the questions. If you prefer, you can also upgrade the ThinLinc packages by hand. These packages are located in subdirectory packages on the Server Bundle.

After upgrading the software packages, ThinLinc must be configured. This is done by the program /opt/thinlinc/sbin/tl-setup. If you are running install-server, it will ask you if you want to start tl-setup at the end of the package upgrade.