Chapter 8.  Client Platforms

Table of Contents

8.1. Windows
8.1.1. Requirements
8.1.2. Installing the Windows Client
8.1.3. Running the Windows Client
8.2. Mac OS X
8.2.1. Requirements
8.2.2. Installing the Mac OS X Client
8.2.3. Running the Mac OS X Client
8.2.4. Command and Alt Keys on Mac OS X
8.3. Linux PC
8.3.1. Requirements
8.3.2. Installing the Linux Client
8.3.3. Running the Linux Client
8.4. Thin Terminals
8.4.1. eLux-based Thin Terminals (Fujitsu Futro et. al.)
8.4.2. HP ThinPro Terminals
8.4.3. IGEL Universal Desktop
8.4.4. Dell Wyse-Enhanced SuSE Linux Terminals
8.4.5. Other Thin Terminals
8.5. Running ThinLinc on a Thinstation terminal
8.5.1. Installing and Building the Package
8.5.2. Configuring the ThinLinc client when running on a Thinstation Terminal
8.6. Web Integration and Web Access
8.6.1. Launching the Native Client From a Web Page
8.6.2. The CGI Script tlclient.cgi
8.6.3. ThinLinc Web Access (HTML5 Client)

There are several ways to run the ThinLinc client, and also some ways to access ThinLinc servers without running the client.

In this chapter we will document how to install, configure and run the ThinLinc client on all different platforms including dedicated thin terminals.

8.1.  Windows

8.1.1.  Requirements

The supported Windows versions are 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1, 2012 R2, and 10. Windows CE is currently not supported.

8.1.2.  Installing the Windows Client

To install the client on a Windows machine, unpack the Client Bundle and enter the client-windows directory. Then click on the file tl-4.8.0-client-windows.exe and follow the instructions.

The tl-4.8.0-client-windows directory contains an unpacked version of the ThinLinc Windows client. It makes it possible to run the client directly from the bundle, without installing first.

For more information about how to configure the client, read Section 7.7, “ Client configuration storage ”.

8.1.3.  Running the Windows Client

During installation the ThinLinc client will be added to the Start menu. To start the client you select it from the Start menu.