7.9.  Advanced Topics

7.9.1.  Hardware Address Reporting

When the client connects to server, it reports it's hardware address. On Linux, the active interface with the smallest MAC address is used. On Windows, the address of the first interface (as listed in the Control Panel) is used.

7.9.2.  Client Update Notifications

The client includes a feature which can periodically check for new versions. This functionality is affected by the configuration parameters UPDATE_ENABLED, UPDATE_INTERVAL, UPDATE_LASTCHECK, UPDATE_MANDATORY, and, UPDATE_URL. These are described in Section 7.7, “ Client configuration storage ”. During an update check, the client retrieves the file specified by UPDATE_URL. An example follows:

WINDOWSINSTALLER = https://www.cendio.com/downloads/clients/tl-latest-client-windows.exe
LINUXINSTALLER = https://www.cendio.com/downloads/clients/thinlinc-client-latest.i686.rpm
DEFAULTINSTALLER = https://www.cendio.com/thinlinc/download
OKVERSIONS = 3.2.0 3.3.0

The OKVERSIONS parameter specifies a list of valid client versions. If the running client version is different, the client will notify the user. The WINDOWSINSTALLER, LINUXINSTALLER, and DEFAULTINSTALLER parameters specifies the updated client packages for Windows, Linux, and other platforms, respectively.