Luleå University of Technology
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Course Catalog 01/02

Department of Languages and Literature
Courses given in English
Sort order: Course code

Name Course
Presentation Skills in English KSS040
Academic and Business Writing KSS020
English - Advanced Writing for Students of Technology KSS009
English A KSS603
English A for Secondary School Teachers KSP324
English A I KSS021
English for After School Activities Teachers KSP012
English for Business Purposes KSS034
English for Pre-School Teachers KSP011
English for Primary School Teachers KSP013
English for Students of Industrial Economics KSS005
English for Students of Technology KSS001
English for Students of Technology KSS033
English, B KSP330
English, B KSS602
English, C KSS607
English, D KSS655
Scandinavian Literature KSP040

Further information:International office

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17