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Course Catalog 01/02

Department of Education

PÄP636 Teaching and Learning A 30.0 ECTS credits

Q 3-4



General entrance requirements.

The aims of the course are that the students
- develop ability to identify, analyse and work on different perspectives on learning
- learn a critical and reflecting approach to stated content

Module 1: Philosophy and learning, 5 credits
This aspect of the course consists of studies of different philosophical approaches with the focus on man, outlooks on people, cognitive approach, ethics and values.

Module 2: The different dimensions of learning, 5 credits
This aspect of the course consists studies of the different dimensions of the concept of learning in relation to man.

Module 3: Room for learning, 5 credits
This aspect of the course consists of studies of different arenas that are significant to learning. The students will have a choice of different possible arenas.

Module 4: Theory of science and methodology in relation to learning, 5 credits
Scientific grounding though studies of the fundamentals of the theory of science and methodology. This aspect of the course includes a smaller individual project in which a scientific way of working and approach is to be applied.

The teaching will take the form of lectures, seminars, group practice and supervision. There will also be literature seminars and self-instruction of the required reading.

Written and oral examination, individually and in groups.



Theory of science and methodology in relation to learning 7.50ECTS
Room for learning 7.50ECTS
The different dimensions of learning 7.50ECTS
Philosophy and learning 7.50ECTS

Alerby E, Kansanen P & Kroksmark T (red) (2000). Lära om lärande. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Andersson C (2000). Kunskapssyn och lärande - i samhälle och arbetsliv. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Backman J (1998). Rapporter och uppsatser. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Carlgren I (red) (1999). Miljöer för lärande. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Kvale S & Nielsen K (red) (2000). Mästarlära. Lärande som social praxis. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Larsson S (1993). Ett förslag på kvalitetskriterier för kvalitativa studier. Didaktisk tidskrift, Nr 4, s. 28-42.
Lytsy A & Mellberg C (1999). Större än du nånsin tror. Stockholm. Svenska kommunförbundet.
Marton F & Booth S (2000). Om lärande. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Merriam S B (1994). Fallstudien som forskningsmetod. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Molander B (1997). Praktiska och teoretiska kunskapstraditioner. Utbildning och Demokrati, Vol. 6, Nr 3, s. 7-18.
Stensmo C (1994). Pedagogisk filosofi. Lund. Studentlitteratur.
Svedberg L & Zaar M (red) (1995). Boken om pedagogerna. Stockholm. Liber. Utbildning.
Säljö R (2000). Lärande i praktiken. Ett sociokulturellt perspektiv. Stockholm. Bokförlaget. Prisma.
Tiller T (1999). Aktionslärande. Forskande partnerskap i skolan. Stockholm. Runa Förlag AB.
Dessutom tillkommer litteratur i form av avhandlingar, forskningsrapporter, vetenskapliga artiklar samt övrig valfri litteratur, ca: 500 sidor/moment som behandlar innehållet i respektive moment.

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17