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Course Catalog 01/02

Department of Education

PÄP612 Education B 30.0 ECTS credits




Education A or equivalent qualifications.

The task of education as a scientific discipline is to systematically describe, explain and understand educational practices - training, education and teaching - as they occur and have occurred in society. The educational attempts to answer questions about the emergence, maintenance and change of values, knowledge and skills within and between different cultures, generations, groups and individuals.

Module 1. The research process, 4 p
- Educational research and its task of explaining and understanding educational practices
- Continuos study of the different components of educational research-work
- Method training and statistical inference as tools in research-work
Module 2. Educational planning, 4 p
- Education as educational practice
- The field of educational planning in both formal education systems and working life
- Requirements for, and work procedures in, educational planning
Module 3. Didactics, 4 p
- Teaching as educational practice
- The field of didactics within formal education systems - the teaching situation, its conditions, content, procedure and effects
Module 4. Educational sociology, 4 p
- Rehabilitating practices directed towards individuals who do not adjust to general norms, values and requirements of society
Module 5. Individual Project, 4 p
- Planning, realization and reporting of a project that connects on to one of the aspects of the course

The purpose of the teaching is to give support and structure to students in their own acquisition of knowledge, and to provide occasions for proficiency training. The teaching usually takes the form of lectures, seminars, group practice and supervision.

Written and oral examination, individually and in group.

Specialized Work of the Student 6.00ECTS
Social Education/examination 6.00ECTS
Didactics/seminars 6.00ECTS
Educational Planning/examination 6.00ECTS
Research Process/examination 6.00ECTS

Arfwedson, G. (1989). Om allmän didaktik och ämnesdidaktik. Stockholm: HLS förlag.
Elliot, J. (1991). Action Research for Educational Change. Philadelphia: Open University Press.
Franke-Wikberg, S. Utvärderingens mångfald, UHÄ 1992:4.
Isling, Å (1980). Kampen för och emot en demokratisk skola.
Kjellgren, K, Ahlner, A, Dahlgren, LO & Haglund, L (red.) (1993). Problembaserad inlärning - erfarenheter från Hälsouniversitetet. Lund:Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-37261-2.
Rudberg (1993). Statistik. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Stensmo, C. (1991). Socialpedagogik. Studentlitteratur.
Stensmo, C. (1994). Pedagogisk filosofi. Studentlitteratur.
Litteratur om ca 3000 sidor väljs i samråd med examinator.
* Moment 1. Forskningsprocessen, 4 poäng.
Davies, K & Essevold, J. (1989). Kvalitativ kvinnoforskning. Arbetslivscentrum .
Hartman, S. G. (1990). Handledning i rapportskrivning. Linköpings Universitet .
Larsson, S. (1986). Kvalitativ analys - exemplet fenomonografi. Studentlitteratur .
Starrin, Larsson, Dahlgren, & Styrborn. (1991).Från upptäckt till prestation. Studentlitteratur.
Trost, J. (1994). Enkätboken. Studentlitteratur.
Stencilerat material och vetenskapliga rapporter om ca 200 sidor som behandlar problemområdet "att förstå vetenskap" och olika observationer.
* Moment 2. Utbildningsplanering, 4 poäng.
Arvonen, J. (1989). Att leda via idéer. Studentlitteratur.
Ekvall, G. (1990). Idéer, organisationsklimat och ledningsfilosofi. Norstedts förlag .
Forsberg, B, m fl. (1985). Att planera utbildning. Studentlitteratur.
Kroksmark, T. (1989). Didaktiken i grundskollärarutbildningen. UHÄ och FoU, projektrapport 1989:2.
Lindensjö, B., & Lundgren, U. P. (1988) Politisk styrning och utbildningsreformer. Liber.
Selander, S. (1992). Forskning om utbildning. Brutus Östlings bokförlag. (valda delar).
Selander, S. (1988). Lärobokskunskap. Studentlitteratur.
Tiller, T. (1993).Vurder selv. Universitetsförlaget, Oslo.
* Moment 3. Didaktik, 4 poäng.
Barth-Nordström, B-M. (1991). Medvetet lärande. Strategier för effektivare inlärning. Natur och kultur.
Nobel, A. (1984). Hur får kunskap liv. Liber.
Staberg, E-M. (1992). Olika världar skilda värderingar. Umeå Universitet.
Utbildningsdepartementet. (1993).Visst är vi olika. Arbetsgruppen kvinnligt manligt i skolan.
* Moment 4. Socialpedagogik, 4 poäng.
Löfgren, A. (1990). Att flytta hemifrån. Boendets roll i ungdomars vuxenblivande. Lund. (valda delar).
Willis, P. (1990). Common Culture.
DSF. (1990). Etik-kompetens. Delegationen för social forskning.
Jönsson, I., Trondman, M., Arnman, G., & Palme, M. (1993). Skola, fritid, framtid. Studentlitteratur.
Valfri litteratur.


Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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