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Course Catalog 01/02

Business Adm and Social Science

IES604 Economic History A 30.0 ECTS credits

I + II


Nils-Gustav Lundgren Bitr prof


- To give a basic understanding of certain societies and civilizations economical and historical development.
- To describe and analyze different historical elements that have given rise to economic and social change and development.
- To inform about different approachs and perspectives in economic and historic development.
- To inform about those methods and theories that exert influence on economic and historic research.

Course A: Economic history of the western world pre 1870.
- With emphasis on the main points of the pre-industrial societies structure, its change and development as well as the industrial break through and its problems.
- An introduktion to the economic - history research areas both internationaly and in Sweden is also presented as an introduction to course A.

Course B: Economic history of the western world post 1870.
- With emphasis on economic changes and developement after 1870, attention is especially directed at the driving forces behind periods of economic growth and crises in the western economies during the twentieth century.

Course C: Economic history in a global perspective. Course C deals with the ecconomic development of Latin America, Asia and Russia during the second half of the 19th century and the 20th century primarily from an institutional perspective.

Course D :Technological change and economic development. Course D has its focus on the interplay between the technological, social and economic systems in a broad historical perspective.


Written and oral exams. Seminars.
Grading system: Fail, Pass or Honours.


Seminars and Assignement report 7.50ECTS
Seminars and Assignement report 7.50ECTS
Written exam 7.50ECTS
Written exam 7.50ECTS

Course A.
Cameron, Rondo: Världens ekonomiska historia från urtid till nutid. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2001.
Duby, G.: Krigare och bönder. Sthlm 1981 (166 s) *
Lundgren, N-G.: Kampen om naturresurserna. SNS 1987. *
Magnusson, L.: Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Raben Prisma 1996. Kap. 1-8.
Stearns, P.: Den industriella revolutionen i världshistorien. Liber-Hermods 1993. (s. 7-96)
Äventyret Sverige, en social och ekonomisk historia. Bra Böcker 1993. (sid 11-45)

Another 100 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor.

Course B.
Cameron, Rondo: Världens ekonomiska historia från urtid till nutid. Studentlitteratur, Lund, 2001.
Magnusson, L.: Sveriges ekonomiska historia. Raben Prisma 1996. Kap 8-14. (230 s)
Äventyret Sverige, en social och ekonomisk historia. Bra Böcker 1993. (sid 58-318) (250 s)

Another 300 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor.

Course C.
Gunnarsson, C.& Rojas, M.: Tillväxt, Stagnation, Kaos. En institutionell studie av underutvecklingens orsaker och utvecklingens möjligheter. SNS 1995.
Lundgren, N-G.: Bulk Trade and Maritime Transportation costs. The Evolution of Global Markets*
Maddison, A.: Monitoring the Worl Economy 1820 - 1992. *
Stearns, P.N.: Den industriella revolutionen i världshistorien. Liber-Hermods 1993. (sid 97-260).

Another 200 pages of literature will be designated by the tutor.

Course D.
Hansson, S.: Teknikhistoria. Om tekniskt kunnande och dess betydelse för individ och samhälle. Studentlitteratur 1996. Valda delar.
Lundgren, K.: Why in Sweden? An analysis of the Development of Large Swedish International Firms From a Learning Perspective. SEHR 1992:2.*
Rosenberg, N.: Technology, Natural Resources and Economic Growth.*

* Will be provided by the university.

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17