PÄS021 Culture and Community 15.0 ECTS credits | |
TIMEPERIOD: Q2 LANGUAGE:Swedish EXAMINER Maj-Britt Hademalm Univ adj PREREQUISITES General entrance requirements and course admission requirements for recreation instructor training specialized on adolescents and their leisure time. COURSE AIM The aims of the course are that students acquire knowledge of: - the tasks and the organizations of the state, the municipalities, the county councils and the parishes - the recreational, cultural, educational and social policy of the municipality - the organization and management of comprehensive school - current policy and procedure guidelines/requirements for comprehensive school and the child care system for school children - the role of different religions in people's lives - the situation of ethnic groups and minorities, cultural encounters, multiculturalism and multilingualism - the significance and consequences of internationalization CONTENTS - The state, municipalities, county councils and parishes - The local community, regions, nations, supranational organs, EEC - Leisure and culture as regional factors of development - Recreation activities in society - Current policy and procedure guidelines/requirements for recreation activities, comprehensive school and the child care system for school children - Current legislation for the social services - Immigrant and refugee policy - The concept of culture and cultural analysis - New movements in society - Different religions - Cultural encounters - Language as identity - Minorities - Internationalization TEACHING Lessons, seminars, field studies, and a problem-based project that has to with adolescents' leisure. EXAMINATION Written and oral examination, individually and in group. COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass. ITEMS/CREDITS | |
Culture and society/problem-based project | 6.00ECTS |
Cult. encounters relig. immigr. and refugee policy/lit.sem. | 6.00ECTS |
Recreational activities in society/project | 3.00ECTS |
COURSE LITERATURE - (1994). Uppväxt i andra länder. ENSAC Sweden. Liber Utbildning. Armelius, B-Å (red) (1996). Vård av ungdomar med sociala problem - en forskningsöversikt. Statens Institutionsstyrelse och Liber Utbildning AB. ISBN 91-634-1682-4. Arnstberg, K-O (red) (1993). Kultur, kultur och kultur - perspektiv på kulturmöten i Sverige. Liber Utbildning. ISBN 91-634-0063-4. Gustavsson, A (1996). Kommunalt självstyre. SNS Förlag. ISBN 91-7150-611-X. Langley, M (1994). Världens religioner. Libris. Rinman, E & Rembe, M (1996). Lagboken för barn och ungdomar. Värnamo: Fälts. ISBN 91-1-963072-7. Skolverket (1994). Vem bestämmer. En översiktlig beskrivning av skolans styrning och ansvarsfördelning. Liber. ISBN 91-88372-78-2. Skolverket (1995). Överenskommet! Fyra internationella överenskommelser som ligger till grund för de nya läroplanerna. Liber. ISBN 91-883-72-92-8. Socialstyrelsen. Barnomsorgen i socialtjänstlagen. 1995:2. Utbildningsdepartementet. Läroplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet och de frivilliga skolformerna. Lpo94 och Lpf94. Ziehe, T (1994). Kulturanalyser - Ungdom, utbildning, modernitet. Stockholm/Stehag: Brutus Östlings Bokförlag Symposion. Skönlitterärt verk. Vetenskapliga artiklar om ca 200 sidor. Ytterligare litteratur tillkommer i samråd med examinator. REMARKS Further information: International Office |
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