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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS630 Religious Studies A/B 60.0 ECTS credits



Majvor Ekberg Univ adj

General entrance requirements.

The aims of the course are that students:
- acquire knowledge and understanding of the content, forms of expression and function of the
different religions and philosophies of life, and of their influence on individuals and
society both today and throughout history
- acquire knowledge of ethical theories and concepts as a basis for discussion and positioning on ethical and existential issues
- develop basic methodological skills and acquire basic knowledge of the theory of science
- gain basic knowledge of didactic considerations in the choice of content of teaching and teaching methods

ITEM 1. Biblical studies. Eight credits.
1:1. The Old Testament. The political and religious surroundings of the Israeli people. Isagogics and the history of the canon. A survey of Old Testament history. The origin, content and theology of the different books of the Old Testament. Interpretation of a selection of texts.
1:2. The New Testament. The political and religious context of Jesus' appearance, life and preaching. The origin, content and theology of the gospel books and some of the epistles. The faith and life of the first Christian churches. Interpretation of a selection of texts.

ITEM 2. History of Christianity. Eight credits.
The development of the Christian church and theology from the ancient church to our days, with special attention to the continuity and change in the interplay with the surrounding society and its cultural development during different epochs. (The Church and semantics, the Church and the Christian culture of unity, the church and secularisation.)

ITEM 3. History of religion and phenomenology of religion. Eight credits.
The rise of doctrines of Islam. The history of Judaism and Islam up to our days. The religions of Asia - a close study of the development of Hinduism and Buddhism and a survey of the religions of China and Japan. Cultures without a written language - a study of the functional meaning of the rite in relation to religion, world picture and outlook on mankind. Orientation to new religious movements in Sweden and the western cultural sphere.

ITEM 4. Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion. Eight credits.
Study of religious development, experience and behaviour of individuals and groups on basis of a presentation of the basic psychological, sociological and educational theories in the field. Attention will for instance be given to people's perception of reality, the psychology of meditation and mysticism, the psychology of pastoral cure, and sects from sociological and psychological perspectives. The aims, content and methods of religious instruction and an orientation to religious learning from a historical perspective.

ITEM 5. Ethics and philosophy of religion. Eight credits.
Introduction to theories and methods for analysis of the content of philosophies of life that play a role in western cultural and social life of today. Introduction to the methods used in the philosophy of religion for analysis and critical study of religious faiths. Introduction to ethical theories and concepts as a basis for discussion and positioning on ethical issues. The contributions to the shaping of western ethics. Ethical issues in society of today. Classical Christian faith compared to modern theology.

Lectures, lessons, seminars and group practice. Didactic aspects of the course will be integrated with the subject-specific theoretical studies.

Written and oral examination, individually and in groups.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Distinction


Ethics and philosophy of religion/exam 12.00ECTS
Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion/exam 12.00ECTS
History of religion and phenomenology of religion/exam 12.00ECTS
History of Christianity/exam 12.00ECTS
Biblical studies/exam 12.00ECTS

Albrektsson, B & Ringgren, H (1992). En bok om Gamla testamentet. Lund.
Gerhardsson, B (1996). En bok om Nya testamentet. Kristianstad.
Jensen, T, Rothstein, M & Podeman Södensen, J (1996). Religionshistoria, Ritualer, Mytologi, Ikonografi. Nora: Nya Doxa. (valda delar ca 40s)
Kieffer, R (1994). I närkamp med bibeln. Borås.
Bibeln /Gt 1917, NT
Fritt vald lämplig bibelatlas

Borgehammar, S (red) (1993). Kyrkans liv. Introduktion till kyrkovetenskapen. Stockholm.
Brohed, I (1996). Kristendomens historia. Från reformationstid till nutid. (säljs på institutionen)
Eriksson, G & Frändsmyr, T (1992). Idéhistoriens huvudlinjer. Stockholm. (valda delar)
Nylund, B (1990). Teologi genom seklerna. Uppsala.

Frisk, L (1998). Nyreligiositet i Sverige, ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Nora: Nya Doxa.
Jensen, T, Rothstein, M & Podeman Södensen, J (1996). Religionshistoria, Ritualer, Mytologi, Ikonografi. Nora: Nya Doxa. (valda delar)
Nielsen, N C Jr m.fl. (1992). Religions of the World. New York. (valda delar)
Sharma, A (ed) (1987). Woman in World Religions. New York. (valda delar)

- (1995). Föreningen Lärare i Religionskunskap. Årsboken.
Bergstrand, G (1992). Från naivitet till naivitet. Om James Fowlers modell för trons utveckling. Stockholm.
Geels, A & Wikström, O (1993 eller senaste) . Den religiösa människan. Psykologiska perspektiv. En introduktion till religionspsykologin. Lund.
Gustafsson, G (1991). Tro, samfund, samhälle. Stockholm.
Larsson, R (1993). Introduktion till religionspedagogiken. Lund.
Marton, F m.fl. (1989). Inlärning och världsuppfattning. Stockholm.
McGuire & Meredith, B (1992). Religion. The Social Context. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Pettersson, T & Geyer, K (1992). Värderingsförändringar i Sverige. Den svenska modellen, individualismen och rättvisan. Stockholm.
Selander, S-Å (1993). Undervisa i religionskunskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur.

Andersen, S (1997). Som dig själv. En inledning i etik. Falun: Nya Doxa.
Bråkenhielm, C-R (red) (1994). Aktuella livsåskådningar. Del I Existentialism, Marxism. Falun: Nya Doxa. (valda delar)
Bråkenhielm; C-R (red) (1991). Aktuella livsåskådningar. Del II Feminism, Ekosofi, Humanism, Livsåskådningspespektiv i psykologin och naturvetenskapen. Nora: Nya Doxa. (valda delar)
Ford, D F (1991). Modern teologi. Del I och II. Stockholm. (valda delar)
Hemberg, J, Holte, R & Jeffner, A (1982). Människan och Gud. En kristen teologi. Lund.
Peterson, M m.fl. (1997). Förnuft och religiös tro. Nora: Nya Doxa.
Pettersson, PE (1971 eller senare). Att tolka Gud idag. Debattlinjer i aktuell teologi. Stockholm.

Inom de olika momenten tillkommer studiematerial och texter i samband med undervisningen. Viss litteratur kan ändras i samråd med undervisande lärare.


Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15