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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS612 The Computer at School A 15.0 ECTS credits



Lisbeth Lindström Univ adj

University Certificate in Pre-School, Leisure or Compulsory School Teacher Education.

The students should have knowledge of:
- The computer in the society/The development of computer engineering.
- Interaction between man and computer.
- Computers and learning.
- The use of standard programmes in teaching.
- Examination and evaluation of pedagogical software.
- Multimedia in computer.
- Computer communication, Internet, school data network.
- Intergration of the somputer in the teaching.
- To work with planning, carrying-through, evalutaion and work with development.

The course is orientated towards the use of the computer as a pedagogical tool and has a practical didactic orientation. The learning and especially the learning with computer as a tool are dealt with. Organizational and other consequences of the integration of the computer in the teaching are discussed. Computer and computer communications, school data network/Internet, multimedia, the use of different types of soft and hard ware are discussed. The students' work with the development of their activity with the computer as a pedagogical tool is an important part of the course.

Supervision and some part of the course are carried out with help of the computer conference. The students should have access to PC or Macintosh with modem and will be equiped with clients to the computer conference programme First Class. The students should work out a memo about their view of the computer as a pedagogical tool. In-depth study, through their own work should be documented, evaluated and reported. Literature seminars and group work. Two seminars are part of the course: one about computer communication, where Internet and school data network as a pedagogical resourse are dealt with, the other about the students working multimedia. The teaching will take place at 10 meetings in Luleå alternative at local study distict.

The students will be graded on their memo, the obligatory assignments to literature seminars as well as on the report of their own work. Obligatory participation at group work and seminars

Memo, literature seminars, report 15.00ECTS

Jedeskog, G (1998). Datorer, IT och en förändrad skola. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00836-8.
Skolverket (1996). Multimedia i utbildning. Liber. ISBN 91-88373-26-6.
Truedsson, L (1995). Nyckeln till Internet för skolan. Norstedts. ISBN 91-1-953281-4.
Ytterligare ett antal sidor ur böcker, tidskrifter och/eller elektroniska media ingår.

-. HTML for dummies.
de Sousa Pires J (1998). Glädjen att veta hur det faktiskt hänger ihop. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-61961-8.
Jedeskog, G (1996). Lärare vid datorn. Universitetet i Linköping. ISBN 91-7871-664-0.
Josefsson, D (1996). Nyckeln till din egen hemsida på Internet.
Riis, U (1991). Skolan och datorn. Tema-T Rapport 24, Tema teknik och social förändring. Universitetet i Linköping.

Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15