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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP047 Pupilsī Learning 15.0 ECTS credits



Birgitta Spets Univ adj

General entrance requirements and course admission requirements for teacher training.

The aims of the course are that students:
- develop awareness of how they can motivate,lead and support pupils in their learning,
development and search for knowledge
- acquire knowledge of adolescent and adult development and learning, and develop didactic
- gain basic understanding and experience of the practical work of a subject teacher
- adopt a reflective attitude to their teacher training and the teaching role

- Views on knowledge, people and society. The basic values of school. The teacher´s
self-image.Basic educational and didactic outlooks.
- Pupils´ learning and development - in general and from a didctic perspective. Research in
- The significance of gender and culture in learning and development. Adolescents´social
background and environment.
- Prominent figures in the field of education. Adult education methods. Didactics from a
historical perspective.
- Information technique.

The teaching will take the form of lectures, seminars and problem- based group work. The groups will consist of representatives of different subject fields. The theoretical aspects of the course will be applied during the period of practical training

Written and oral examination, individually and in gruop.

Degree project 1.50ECTS
Work placement 6.00ECTS
Teaching methods and didactics from a historical perspective 2.25ECTS
Adolescent & adult learning & development. Applied didactics 3.00ECTS
Views on knowledge, people & society etc. Applied didactics 2.25ECTS

Brusling, C & Strömqvist, G (1996). Reflektioner och praktik i läraryrket. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00089-8.

Collste, G (1996). Inledning till etiken. Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00055-3.
Hallerström, H (red) (1997). Kreativa lärmiljöer. En studie av högstadieskolor. Reprocentralen. ISBN 91-973124-0-1.

Hedin, A & Svensson, L (1997). Nycklar till kunskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00373-0.
Jerlang, E (red) (1991). Utvecklingspsykologiska teorier. Stockholm: Esselte Studium.
Johansson, H (1997). Luleåmodellen.
Utbildningsdepartementet. Läroplaner för de frivilliga skolformerna, Lpf 94.
Skolverket. Bildning och kunskap
Skolverket. Överenskommet.
Stensmo. Pedagogisk filosofi.
Övrig litteratur som är relevant för att belysa innehållet i kursen och nå målet med kursen väljer studenten i samråd med undervisande lärare.
Rönneman, K. (1998). Utvecklingsarbete - en grund för lärares lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00186-X.
Svensson, P-G, och Sterrin, B. (1996). Kvalitativa studier i teori och praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-39851-4.

Boström, L & Wallenberg, H (1997). Inlärning på elevernas villkor - inlärningsstilar i klassrummet. Falun: Brain Books AB.
Ellström, P et al (1996). Livslångt lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-61751-8.
Hartman, S. Lärares kunskap.
Hård af Segerstad, H et al (1996). Vuxenpedagogik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-61881-6.
Jensen, E. Hjärnbaserat lärande.
Klein, P & Saunders, B (1995). Tio steg mot en lärande organisation. Malmö: Brain Books AB.
Larsson, R. Politiska ideologier.
Liljeqvist, K (1994). Skola och samhällsutveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-37391-0.
Norén, K (1996). Samtal i pedagogernas rum. Stockholm: Nielsen & Norén förlag HB.
Steinberg, J (1994). Den nya inlärningen. Falköping: Ekelunds förlag. ISBN 91-7724-624-1.
Svedberg, L & Zaar, M (1995). Boken om pedagogerna. Stockholm: Liber. ISBN 91-634-0268-8.
Ziehe, T (1989). Kulturanalyser. Ungdom, utbildning, modernitet. Stockholm/Stehag; Symposion.
Ålund, A (1997). Multikultiungdom. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00221-1.


Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15