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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP618 Educational Leadership 15.0 ECTS credits

Q1, Q2


Arne Forsman Univ adj

University Certificate in Compulsory School, Pre-School or Leisure Education.

The course addresses to those who are educational active, even outside pre-school and compulsory comprehensive school, and the aim is to: -give knowledge that educational leadership can be formed and pursued in different organizations and groups, -introduce the in part new approach of knowledge and learning as Lpo-94 represent and gives consequences for the educational leader, -place the educational leaderschip in a psychological context, -describe how and why conflicts appear and how these can be dealt with and solved.

ITEM 1. Theories of Development Psychology Pedagogical consequences of different approaches of theories in development and learning. Crisis and development, mechanisms in adjusting. ITEM 2. Cognitive, Social and Human Approach School and social development, pedagogical consequences. Development of school and pupils, pedagogical consequences. Learning and knowledge, pedagogical consequences. ITEM 3. Organizations and the Educational Leadership Leadership education. Male and female leadership. Leadership and work environment. To be a educational leader. ITEM 4. Group and group processes Groups and group development. Conflicts and conflict-solving. Conversational methods.

The teaching should give support and structure for the course participant´s acqusition of the course literature. The participants´engagement and their own experiences are of great importance.The form of the teaching is lectures, seminars as well as individual written work assignments and group work.

Examination is written or oral. Active participation of the different practices as well as passed result in the theoretical part of the course and conversational analysis are required to obtain the grade pass.

Group and group processes 4.50ECTS
Organizations and the Educational Leadership 6.00ECTS
Cognitive, Social and Human Approach 3.00ECTS
Theories of Development Psychology 1.50ECTS

Tillkommer till varje moment ett antal stenciler och/eller artiklar. * Moment 1 Jerlang, E. (red). (1988). Utvecklingspsykologiska teorier. Stockholm: Esselte Studium. * Moment 2 Liljeqvist, K. (1994). Skola och samhällsutveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Madsén, T. (1994). Lärares lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Skolverket. (1994). Bildning och kunskap. Särtryck ur skola för bildning. Stockholm: Liber Distribution. * Moment 3 Senge, P M (1995). Den femte disciplinen. Stockholm: Nerenius & Santerns förlag. Steinberg, J (1994). Positiv påverkan. Örebro, Max Martins förlag. Their, S (1994). Det pedagogiska ledarskapet. Mermerus AB Oy, Sanatoriev. 2, SF-22100 Mariehamn, tel.+358-28-23332, fax 23334. * Moment 4 Ahrenfeldt, B., & Berner, R. (1992). Konflikthanteringsboken. Malmö: A&W Förlag AB. Ellmin, R. (1992). Att hantera konflikter på jobbet. Malmö: A&W Förlag AB. Malthén, A. (1992). Grupputveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur. REFERENSLITTERATUR Referenslitteratur, om ca 300 sidor, väljer kursdeltagarna själva utifrån intresse och behov. Vald litteratur skall knyta an till innehållet under respektive moment. Denna skall studeras och redovisas i ålagda uppgifter till momenten.


Further information: Arne Forsman

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28