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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP042 Youth' Learning - Needs and Preconditions 30.0 ECTS credits

Q3, Q4


Steffan Lind Univ adj

Applicants must have completed the courses PÄS020, PÄP037 and PÄP038.

The aims of the course are that students: - acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge of adolescent learning - acquire the knowledge and qualifications to develop into a "learning educationalist" - develop a sense of responsibility for a personal development into a "learning educationalist" - acquire knowledge of the function of creative subjects as forms for expression and cultivation of thought that support adolescents' learning - gain familiarity with the role of a recreation instructor in the development of organizations into "learning organizations" - gain understanding of the significance of gender in learning - acquire knowledge of the concepts of physical and mental disability among adolescents - acquire knowledge of existing laws, societal supporting measures and the activities of organizations for the handicapped - acquire knowledge of the role of recreation instructors working with disabled youth - develop awareness of own attitudes and values concerning physical and mental handicaps - acquire qualifications to apply content and work procedures for the support of disabled youth - learn how to use computers and information technology for stimulation and teaching - develop ability to apply scientific approaches on issues related to handicap and learning - acquire knowledge of issues in current research and public discussions about learning and handicap

Module 1. Learning - Experience and learning - Metacognition - Learning educationalist in a learning organization - Forms for expression and cultivation of thought in learning - Gender and learning Module 2. Adolescents in need of special support - The concept of handicap - different handicaps - Organizations for the handicapped - Integration and special institutions - Ethical questions concerning handicap - Computers and information technology Module 3. Project work - Scientific approach and methodology - Project work Module 4. Work on practical placement - Practical training

Lectures, lessons, seminars, group work, project work and work on practical placement. Theoretical studies and practical training will be integrated. Project work, practical training and assignment during practical training are oriented towards handicap and learning.

Written and oral examination, individually and in group.

Teaching practice/report and follow-up 12.00ECTS
Project work/project report 4.50ECTS
Youth with special needs/examination 6.00ECTS
Learning/examination 7.50ECTS

Bakk, A & Grunewald, K (1993). Omsorgsboken. Lund: Liber Utbildning. ISBN 91-88372-80-9. Bergström, A (1994). Barnbilder (kompendium). Högskolan i Luleå, Lärarutbildningarna. Ejvegård, R (1996). Vetenskaplig metod. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-36612-4. Gren, J (1994). Etik i pedagogens vardag. Lund: Liber förlag. ISBN 91-634-0729-9. Johansson, H (1996). Examensarbeten. Luleåmodellen för lärarutbildningsarna. Luleå: Centrum för forskning i lärande. Jernström, E & Lindberg, S (1995). Musiklust. Stockholm: Runa förlag. ISBN 88298-24-8. Lendahls, B & Runesson, U (1996). Vägar till lärares lärande. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00073-1. Rudberg, B (1993). Statistik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-37701-0. Skoglund, E (1990). Lusten att skapa. Stockholm: Berghs förlag. Skolverket (1994). Bildning och kunskap. Särtryck ur skola och bildning. Stockholm: Liber Distribution. ISBN 91-88372-80-4. Starrin, B & Svensson, P-G (1994). Kvalitativ metod och vetenskapsteori. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-39861-1. Tillkommer stencilmaterial efter överenskommelse med examinator. Vetenskapligt meterial om ca 150 sidor kring lärande och dessutom skönlitteratur i anslutning till kursens delmoment. Referenslitteratur tillkommer i anslutning till projektarbete och praktikuppgift.


Further information: Steffan Lind

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28