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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP021 Advanced Course in the Theory and Practice of Teaching 30.0 ECTS credits

Q3, Q4


Marie-Louise Annerblom Univ lekt

To have passed the courses: PÄP003 Role, Qualif. of the Recr.Instr. in School, School Age Child Care PÄS003 Childhood and Adolescence from a Sociological Perspective KSP004 Creative work and Communication PÄP001 Development and Learning PÄN001 The Natural Environment as a Teaching Resource KSP010 Culture and Society PÄP011 Cooperation between School and Child Care PÄP008 Individuals with Special Needs

The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about: - management, both female and male leadership - ethics in the everyday life of the teacher - educational philosophy - different educational directions - school child care in an international perspective - multicultural work in school and school child care - school child care for children aged 10-12 - educational sociology specializing in the teenager and the adult - the computer as an educational aid - evaluation The students should be able to: - participate in team work and be able to work together with other people both within and outside the social services and schools - lead and develop the activities in school child care - use the computer as an educational aid when working with children

The students should have in-depth knowledge about and skills in leadership and working with development and changes in school child care. The students should work on their role as an educational leader and role model in a multicultural society.

Seminars, educational visits and field studies are combined with theoretical studies and teaching practice. This practice consists of 8 points and is to be done in school child care.

The students will be graded on individual assignment reports, group work, literature seminars, examination work and practice reports.

Teaching practice, degree project 12.00ECTS
Degree project 4.50ECTS
Advanced vocational training 13.50ECTS

-. (1994). Uppväxt i andra länder. Ensac Sweden. Liber. Colnerud, G & Granström, K (1994). Respekt för lärare. Om lärares professionella verktyg, yrkesspråk och yrkesetik. Stockholm: HLS Förlag. (valda delar) Dyregrov, A & Raundalen, M (1995). Sorg och omsorg. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Gren, J. (1994). Etik i pedagogens vardag. Liber. Gustafsson, A (senaste upplagan). Kommun och landsting idag. Liber läromedel. Jedeskog, G. (1993). Datorn som pedagogiskt hjälpmedel. Studentlitteratur. Johansson, H. (1994). Examensarbete - Luleåmodellen. (stencil) Centrum för forskning i lärande. Lindelöw & Olsson (1991). Sekretess och anmälningsplikt i barnomsorg och skola. Natur och Kultur. Patel, R., & Davidsson, B. (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Studentlitteratur. Socialstyrelsen. (1988). Pedagogiskt program för fritidshem. Allmänna förlaget. Stensmo, C. (1991). Socialpedagogik. Studentlitteratur. Stensmo, C (1992). Pedagogisk filosofi. Studentlitteratur. Referenslitteratur tillkommer.


Further information: Marie-Louise Annerblom

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28