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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP012 Basic Proficiency and Special Education 15.0 ECTS credits



Marja-Liisa Leijon Univ adj

The general and course admission requirements for studies at the study programme for compulsory school teacher (grades 1-7). To have passed the course: PÄP001 Development and Learning

The students should develop an approach where the pupil is looked upon as an active and creative part of the processe of knowledge and where all learning has its basis in the pupil´s conceptions and experiences. A comprehensiv perspective of school problems should be developed where causes and measures are looked for in all levels. Students should have knowledge about: -acquisition of reading and writing skills, development and possible problems, -pupils with special needs and need of stimulations and responsibility of the school to meet these pupils´needs, -basic skills in mathematics, -pocket calculations, -special education, special educational methodology, -speech stimulation and training, -drama with children, -parental co-operation. The students should be able to apply: -a way of working, which with its basis in pupils´needs, experiences and interests should prevent school problems and support the development in pupils with different preconditions, -a way of working where you in school work start from the pupils´assets and possibilities that can be developed and where every pupil has the right to feel competent.

The course deals with basic proficiencies, special education and methodology. The course also comprises a writing course. The students should work on: -their own attidudes and values concerning pupils with special need and stimulation, -the course should be a part of the student´s personality development.

The course should be characterized of a problem- directed way of working and co-operation between the included subjects and teaching practice. A interdisciplinary project work and field studies are part of the course. The teaching practice is carried out in the first grade of the compulsory comprehensiv school.

The examination is based on assignments, literature seminars and seminars of opposition of project works. Evaluations of teaching practice, practice assignments and practice reports.

Teaching practice 6.00ECTS
Special Education/examination 6.00ECTS
Basic Proficiencies, Swedish/Mathematics 3.00ECTS

Anderberg, B. (1992).Matematik - metodik i grundskolan ; - del 1 (för SV/SO-inriktning) ; - del 1-2 (för MA/NO-inriktning). Stockholm: Bengt Anderberg Läromedel. Asmervik m fl. (1993).Barn med behov av särskilt stöd. Studentlitteratur. Johansson, H. (1994). Examensarbete - Luleåmodellen. Centrum för forskning i lärande. Leimar, U. Läsning på talets grund. Liberg, C. (1993).Hur barn lär sig läsa och skriva. Studentlitteratur. Patel, R., & Davidsson, B. (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Studentlitteratur. Strömqvist, S (1989). Skrivlära. Liber. Truedson, L (1994). Rum för lärande. En studie av skickliga lärares arbete. Skolverkets rapport nr 71. Liber Distribution. 94:132. Utbildningsdepartementet. Läroplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet och de frivilliga skolformerna. (Lpo-94.) Kursplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. Utbildningsdepartementet. Ca 200 sidor väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare.


Further information: Marja-Liisa Lejon

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28