Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS603 History A 30.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University



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General eligibility for admission at higher education.

The aim of the course is to give students a survey of perspicuous knowledge about essential historical contexts as well as an increased understanding of different phenomena within the society in the past. The students should acquire knowledge about the bases in historical and economical historical theory and method.

ITEM 1. Historical Science and Method. History as science. Different schoolings, critical analysis of principels. Science and ideology. Changes of the main point within the subject. The relation between political and economical history. The advancement of the social history, woman history, technical history, environmental history etc. ITEM 2. Nordic History, Political Economical Survey The main outlines of the historical development of the Nordic countries, with Sweden in the centre. The formation of the nations and national identity in the Nordic countries. A special empasis in the development in the Scandinavian Shield. ITEM 3. Global History before 1500, Political Economical Survey. A perspicuous study of the social development and the development of events from a global perspective, for instance the spreading of the population over the earth, the first high farmings, important innovations, the spreading of the world religions, structure of power and social stratification, formation of states and empires, economical systems, commercial pattern and encounter of cultures. ITEM 4. Global History After 1500, Political Economival Survey. A continuing survey over the historical development from a global perspective, some course of events and some central problems of importance are studied. The beginning of the modern nations and the political ideologies are given an extra attention. Industrialization, the beginning of the capitalism, the economical doctrines and commersial pattern with its colonial elements are other important items. The international relations are analysed from a geopolitical perspective.

Lectures, supervision, group discussions and seminars. The forms of examination are: writing, oral, assessment in groups, oral individual examination and report writing.

The examination is through obligatory work assignments and written examination. Examination is given at the end of each item. All tests and obligatory items must be passed to get a grade. If you get the grade pass you can not do the examination again to get a higher grade.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Distinction.

Nordic History/examination                                  	9.0 ECTS
Global History after 1500/examination                       	9.0 ECTS
Global History Before 1500/examination                      	9.0 ECTS
Historical Science and Method/examination                   	3.0 ECTS

* Moment 1. Historisk vetenskap och metod, 2 poäng. Edgren, L & Österberg, E (red.) (1994). Ut med historien. Historieundervisningens uppgifter idag. Studentlitteratur. Stanford, M (1995). Handbok i historia studier. Studentlitteratur. * Moment 2. Nordisk historia, politisk-ekonomisk översikt, 6 poäng. -. (1992). Kvinnohistoria. Om kvinnors villkor från antiken till våra dagar. UR. -. (1993). Äventyret Sverige.En ekonomisk och social historia. UR. Bergström, B (1994). Alla tiders Sverige. Eskilsson, L & Bergenheim, Å (1995). Förnuft, fruktbarhet, förälskelse. ref. Groth, Ö (1995). Nordkalotten. Kung Faravids land. Tiden. Öhman, C (1994). Helgon, bönder och krigare. RabŽn & Sjögren. Stencil kring nordisk ekonomisk historia (ca 125 s.) * Moment 3. Global historia före 1500. Politisk-ekonomisk översikt, 6 poäng. Cameron, R (1993). A Concise Economic History of the World. Hansson, S (1995). Teknikhistoria. Luleå. Karlsson, I (1994). Islam och Europa. W&W. Losman, B (1993). Från Eddan till Ellen Key. Göteborg Women's Studies 3. ref. Oredsson, S & Andersson, L (1995). I historiens spegel. Akademiförlaget. Sandelin, B, Trautwein, H M & Wundrak, R (1995). Det ekonomiska tänkandets historia. Sörlin, S & Gidlund, J E (1993). Europeiskt kaleidoskop. Wikander, U (red.) (1994). Det evigt kvinnliga. En historia om förändring. * Moment 4. Global historia efter 1500. Politisk-ekonomisk översikt, 6 poäng. -. (1995). Ryssland - ett annat Europa.ÊUR. Cameron, R (1993). A Concise Economic History of the World. Davidson, B (1991). Afrika i det tjugonde seklet. Nord. Afrikainst. Lewis, W A (1992).Världens ekonomi. Utvecklingen av den ekonomiska världsordningen. A&W. Oredsson, S & Andersson, L (1995). I historiens spegel. Akademiförlaget. Rojas, M (1988). Latinamerikas sociala och ekonomiska historia. Studentlitteratur.


Last modified 97-03-05
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