Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS017 School and Pupil 15.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University



Nils Erik Lindell Univ adj

The general and course admission requirements for studies at the study programme for compulsory school teachers grade 1-7.

The students should have theoretical and practical knowledge of the school as a social institution, the control of the school and the teacher«s vocational role. They should have knowledge about childhood and adolecence from different sociological perspectives and also knowledge about basic research methods and the use of the computer. The students should have basic knowledge about: -curriculum theory, control system, current form and function of control documents, -the changed division of the responsibility and duties of the school, goal and result-directed control of the school, -organization of the school, the national, municipal and local responsibolity, -the set of values and issues of the school, goal and guidelines, -social, cultural and linguistic differences in the community, issues and resources of the school, -relations between childhood and adolecence from a sociological perspective and their learning and development, -language description, -sociolinguistics, -scientific approaches, -research traditions, research methods and report writing, -the use of the computer and social consequences of the computerization, -school environment, the everyday of the school and teaching materials, -how pupils and school staff work together, -which demands that are placed on school and how the content and working procedures can be formulated to meet children and young people with different preconditions, -the most common teaching materials that can be found. The students should independently be able to: -account for how conceptualization in pupils at the compulsory comprehensive school can occur and give examples how the teaching can be drawn up, -give examples of how local curriculums at the compulsory comprehensive school can be formulated.

Theory and teaching practice are integrated in the course. The students should do a critical examination of a research report/report of a work with development as an introduction to the research metholodgy and the individual project work. Information is given about the activity at Centrum for research. Numbers, understanding of numbers, concept of numbers, position system, basic arithmetics and geometry, problem-solving. The course has a didactic orientation.

A practice assignment should be carried out during the teaching practice and the student should start the work on a practice diary, which the student should have through the education. After every practice period the student should report a memo based on the diary. Every subject in the course should deal with relevant parts of the memo.The course also gives information about the University of Luleå, the chosen education and other pedagogical educations and about the libary. Information about a half a day of co-operation with the Teknikens hus.

The students will be graded on course literature, course assignments and content and process of the project work. They will also be graded on teaching practice, practice assignments, practice report, contemporary assignments, displays, work-folders, oral or written examination.

Teaching methods/Soc.Subjects/Swedish/Practice/Math         	15.0 ECTS

* Data Berg, E. Macintosh med MacWrite II och Claris Works. * Metodik Dahlgren H. (1995). Mål och medel. Undervisa i grundskolan enl. Lpo 94. Solna: Ekelunds förlag. Ferm, L. (1993). Demokrati i praktiken. Stockholm: Runa förlag. * Pedagogik/metodik Utbildningsdepartementet. (1994). Läroplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet och de frivilliga skolformerna. (Lpo-94). Kursplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. * Pedagogik GranŽr, R. (1991). Arbetsgruppen. Den professionella gruppens psykologi. Studentlitteratur. Isling, Å. (1992). Kampen för och emot en demokratisk skola. Del 1, Samhällsstruktur och skolorganisation. Del 2, Det pedagogiska arvet. Almqvist & Wiksell. (valda delar) Johansson, H. (1994). Examensarbete - Luleåmodellen (stencil). Centrum för forskning i lärande. Patel, R., & Davidsson, B. (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Studentlitteratur. Brembeck, H. (1992). Efter Spock. Uppfostran idag. Etnologiska föreningen i väst-Sverige. * Svenska Gårding, E. Talet. (Stencil, Institutionen för Kommunikation och språk). Sandqvist, C., & Teleman, U. (red.) (1989).Språkutveckling under skoltiden. Studentlitteratur. * Samhällskunskap Gustafsson, A. (senaste upplagan). Kommun och landsting idag. Liber. Skolverket. (1994). Vem bestämmer? En översiktlig beskrivning av skolans styrning och ansvarsfördelning. Abetsmarknadsdepartementet. Invandrar- och flyktingpolitiken. Obligatorisk litteratur som behandlar aktuell forskning om barns uppväxtvillkor ur ett samhällsperspektiv. * Matematik Dunkels, A., & Jakobsson-Åhl, G. (1992). Geobrädet i grundskolan 1. Malmö: Gleerups. Dunkels, A. (1990). Making and Exploring Tangrams. Arithmetic Teacher, Vol 37, No 6, s 38-42. Dunkels, A. (1990). Något om tal och talbegrepp. (Opublicerat studiematerial, 13 sidor, A4-format.) Eleblad, E. (1990). Subitisering - en grundläggande beståndsdel i räkneförmågan. Nämnaren, Årg 19, Nr 1, s 21-25. Johnsen H¿ines, M. (1990). Matematik som språk. Verksamhetsteoretiska perspektiv. Stockholm: Utbildningsförlaget. Aktuella tidskiftsartiklar och opublicerat material som preciseras i samband med undervisningen. REFERENSLITTERATUR -. (1993). Claris Works för lärare i grundskola och gymnasium. Lund: Studentlitteratur.


Last modified 97-03-05
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