Dept. of Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP601 Education A 30.0 ECTS credits


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Eva Granlund Univ adj

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The issue of the pedagogy as a scientific discipline is to systematical describe, explain and understand the pedagogical practice - rearing, learning, teaching - that exist and have existed in the community. The pedagogical problem area deals with issues about how, why and which values, knowledge and proficiencies occur, are preserved and change within and between cultures, generations, groups and individs.

ITEM 1. Teaching This course is orientated towards the teaching process as pedagogical practice. Different examples of models for teaching that exist and have existed are described and analysed. The chosed examples represent different scientific approaches and pedagogical institutes. The teaching in mainly in groups with oral and written communication, which has a special emphasis in this course. ITEM 2. Rearing This course is orientated towards rearing as pedagogical practice. The course is limited to issues about how, why and which standards and values that are preserved or change in pedagogical practice outside the conventional education system. Basic relations in and theories about the rearing process and its conditions are a central content. ITEM 3.Learning This course is orientated towards learning as a pedagogical practice and deals with the conventional education system, particularly a historical - social perspective of the growth, development and content of the compulsory school. Issues about how, why and which conditions and proficiencies that occur, are preserved and change in relation to the social development are therefore a central course content. The changes of the content are studied with examples of content of curriculums from different time periods. ITEM 4. Scienctific Working Methods and Theory of Science Introduction of scientific methods and scientific perspective. The aim of the item is to contribute to integration within the course as a whole. The students should make a minor individual work based on one of the previous items 1-3. The work should reflect a topical problem and can be based on the students« experiences.

The aim of the teaching is to give support and structure to the student«s acquired knowledge of the course content as well as to give opportunity of skill training. The participation of the teaching is obligatory. The form of teaching is lectures, lessons, seminars, group project and supervision.

The examination is written or oral, continous within the framwork of the education and can be carried out individual or in groups.

Scientific Working Methods and Theory of Science            	9.0 ECTS
Education                                                   	7.5 ECTS
Rearing                                                     	7.5 ECTS
Teaching                                                    	6.0 ECTS

* Moment 1. Undervisning, 4p. Doverborg, E., Pramling, I. (1989). Att förstå barns tankar. Metodik för barnintervjuer. Utbildningsförlaget. Dryden, G & Vos, J (1994). Inlärningsrevolutionen. Brain Books. Granˇr, R (1991). Arbetsgruppen. Den professionella gruppens psykologi. Studentlitteratur. Skolverket. (1994). Bildning och kunskap. Särtryck ur Skola för bildning. Liber. Svedberg, L., & Zaar, M. (1993). Boken om pedagogerna. Liber utbildning. Valfri litteratur, 200 sidor, som behandlar undervisningsmodeller i samband med självständigt arbete. * Moment 2. Fostran, 5p. Brembeck, H. (1992). Efter Spock. Etnologiska föreningen i Västsverige. Frykman, J., & Löfgren, O. (1979). Den kultiverade människan. Liber. Isling, Å. (1988). Kampen för och emot en demokratisk skola, del 2. Det pedagogiska arvet. Sober. (valda delar). Miller, A. (1986). I begynnelsen var uppfostran. Wahlström & Widstrand. Tham, A. (1991). Perspektiv på barn och ungdom. Utbildningsradion. * Moment 3. Utbildning, 5p. Broady, D., & Palme, M. (1989). Pierre Bourdieus kultursociologi. Pierre Bourdieus utbildningssociologi. Ur Thuen, H., & Vaage, S. Oppdragelse till det moderne Jönsson, I., Trondman, M., Arnman, G., & Palme, M. (1993). Skola - fritid - framtid. Studentlitteratur. Liljequist (1994). Skola och samhällsutveckling. Studentlitteratur. Selander, S. (1988). Lärobokskunskap. Studentlitteratur. Tiller, T. (1993). Vurder selv. Skolevurdering i praksis. Universitetsforlaget. Utdrag ur läroplaner. Utbildningsdepartementet. Arbetsgruppen kvinnligt och manligt i skolan. (1993). Visst är vi olika. Fritzes förlag. * Moment 4. Vetenskapliga arbetsmetoder och vetenskapsteori, 6p. Patel & Davidson (1994). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Rudberg (1993). Statistik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Trost (1994). Kvalitativa intervjuer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Utöver ovanstående litteratur tillkommer artiklar och forskningsrapporter om max. 300 sidor, som väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare.


Last modified 97-03-05
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