Dept. of Communication and Languages

KSS027 Swedish for Law Students 7.5 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University



Bo Renberg Adjunkt

Eligibility for course admission to begin the social sciences study programme.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge of what are the characteristics of good communication. The aim is also to provide the students with a theoretical base so they can improve their abilities to express themselves both in speech and in writing. The course deals with the importance of language for the development of knowledge and critical thinking as well as the role of language in the communicative process, the social role of language and language as a means of influencing others.

Theoretical studies and exercises in both oral and written communication and exercises in text analysis. The exercises in oral communication consist mainly of reports and debates. The exercises in written communication consist of a short report or summary, text adaptation and an essay that discusses or investigates a certain issue. Supervision and check of written assignments during the writing course.

There will be lectures, classes and exercises. Attendance is compulsory and includes the completion of the oral and written assignments.

Grading system: Fail, Pass, Pass with Distinction The examination will be in form of oral and written assignments, a written test and a final essay. The course will be graded as above. Students who do not pass the ordinary tests will have the opportunity to take a resit. Written exam, Written assignments, Oral assignments.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Pass with Di

                                                            	4.5 ECTS
                                                            	3.0 ECTS

Hellspong, Lennart & Söderberg, Barbro (1975), Grepp om språket. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-08321-1. Hägg, Göran (1980), "Språket i administrationssamhället." I: Språken i vårt språk. Språkvårdsstudier samlade av Inge Jonsson och utgivna av Svenska Akademien. Stockholm: Pan. (Tillhandahålls av Institutionen för kommunikation och språk.) Jarrik, Arne & Josephson, Olle (1988), Från tanke till text. En språkhandbok för uppsatsskrivande studenter. Lund: Studentlitteratur. 91-44-26841-6. Jensen, Ulf & Rylander, Staffan (1993), Att skriva juridik. Regler och råd. Uppsala: Iustus förlag. ISBN 91-7678-239-5. Linell, Per (1978), Människans språk, kap. 1Ð2. Lund: Liber Läromedel. ISBN 91-38-60035-8. Persson, Mikael (1992), Retorik för jurister. Borås: SIFU. 91-88330-02-8. Svenska skrivregler utgivna av Svenska språknämnden (1991). Skrifter utgivna av Svenska språknämnden 77. Solna: Almqvist & Wiksell Förlag. ISBN 91-21-11280-0. Kopierat material (ca 50 sidor). REFERENSLITTERATUR Andersson, Lars Gunnar (1985), Fult språk. Svordomar, dialekter och annat ont. Stockholm: Carlssons. ISBN 91 7798 0360. Sandberg, Nils-Eric (1976), "Samhällsdebattens språk." I: Fackspråk. Molde, Bertil (red.). Skrifter utg. av Svenska språknämnden 57. Stockholm: Esselte Studium. (Tillhandahålls av Institutionen för kommunikation och språk.) Visst går det att förändra myndighetsspråket! En rapport från Språkvårdsprojektet (1993). Finansdepartementet Ds 1993:61. Stockholm: Allmänna Förlaget. ISBN 91-38-13428-4. ISSN 0284-6012.


Last modified 97-03-05
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