Dept. of Communication and Languages

KSP010 Culture and Society 15.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University



K Heimdahl Univ adj

To have passed the courses PÄP003, PÄS 003, KSP004 and PÄP003.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about cultural conceptions and different cultural expressions. They should be made aware of their own cultural identity and their attitudes. They should also have knowledge about Nordkalotten's cultural heritage and cultural character and this can serve as an example of how a local community and its culture can be studied. The students should be made aware that each culture is not static but constantly changing in an international and mass medial world. They should have knowledge about the situation of the minorities and ethnic groups, cultural meetings and multicultural and multilingual aspects.

Module 1. The students should have knowledge about: - the function of the form of art and their meaning in society - the living conditions of the multicultural and multilingual Nordkalotten, its population, history, religion, language, literature, music and art. - the long tradition of arts and crafts which is characteristic for the region. - questions concerning religion and values and their importance when meeting a new culture - refugee and immigration policy and reception of refugees - the immigrants' situation when meeting a new culture - child and youth culture - fiction related to the content of the course. Module 2. The students should have knowledge about: - history and function of the books for children - books for children and young people in the modern society The students are to work on and: - be aware of their own attitudes and values towards our own minorities and immigrants - be aware of their roles as a bearer and conveyer of culture The students should be able to use: - problem oriented methods of working in a target- oriented activity based on their own multicultural society - different creative means of expression - scientific methods of working and report writing emphasizing the qualitative methods.

The course is designed so that ways of working, with Nordkalotten as an example, can be used when studying a local community and its culture. The course begins with a theoretical part with as well as multidisciplinary and subject specific material. After that the course will mainly be organized as group work. During the course the students will keep a diary about their reflections concerning cultural identity, cultural meetings and attitudes. To reinforce the contents of the course it is desirable if the students are given the opportunity to make contact with specific cultural environments (for example through educational visits and excursions).

Module 1. The students will be graded on group work assignments in the form of some cultural activity for example with or for children or immigrant groups. They will also be graded on individual assignment reports based on diary notes. Seminars. Module 2. Written examination in the history of literature for children. Literature seminars are compulsory.

                                                            	15.0 ECTS

Berg., L.-E., Källstigen, G. & Westerberg, B., Är främmande skrämmande? Pedagogik för kulturmöten. SIDA, Informationsbyrån och Statens Invandrarverk. Norrköping & Stockholm 1994. Groth, Ö, (1995) Nordkalotten, Kung Faravids land Stockholm: Tiden Invandrar- och flyktingpolitiken. Kulturdepartementet. Stockholm 1994 (tillhandahålls av läraren). Lundgren G. och Widerberg S. I denna vida värld. Verser från många länder för barn och vuxna. En bok för alla 1993. ModŽn, E, (1991) Den oändliga skolan Stockholm: Utbildningsförlaget Nettervik, I., I barnbokens värld. Malmö: Gleerups förlag 1994. Pedagogiskt program för fritidshem. Socialstyrelsen 1988. Sjöwall, Anna, Kulturmöten i barnomsorg och skola. Lund: Studentlitteratur 1994. Södling, M., Religioner möts i Sverige. Stockholm: Verbum 1991. Kompendium i träslöjd. Ca 10 barn-, ungdoms- och vuxenböcker


Last modified 97-03-05
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