Dept. of Human Work Science

ARA002 Production Systems 9.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå University


LANGUAGE: English/Swedish

Bo Johansson Univ adj

ARA005 Planning and Design of the Industrial Plant, MPR009 Production Technology, IEF001 Basic course in Business Administration or equivalent courses.

The planning and design of industrial production systems is a complex task where conflicting demands on profit, efficiency, productivity, quality, and good working conditions have to be integrated in order to create a well functioning entirety. The aim of the course is to provide the students with: - in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge of the formation of industrial production systems through a holistic perspective, - development of both analytical and creative skills - real-life exercises to design industrial production systems, - special exercises in adapting industrial production systems to human needs and conditions (gender, age, disability, ethnic, cultural and social background) - acquisition of knowledge and experiences before the final thesis work within the specialisation in production system.

Project work, formation of production systems (100%). Knowledge from earlier courses together with knowledge gained from this course are interwoven in a project. The students shall, in groups of about four, develop and design a well-functioning production system for a given and real set of products. The project consists of following components: * the making of an inventory, preparatory information retrieval * project planning * specifications for - materials management - production technology - organisation, work organisation, and psychosocial work environment - physical work environment - external environment - premises and industrial area - economy * integrating demands and propose different solutions * selection of solutions * detailed formation of chosen solutions * evaluation of final solutions

The course is based on two pedagogical principles, problem orientation and project organisation. Through problem orientation the students obtain knowledge and experiences in order to solve real-life problems. The project organisation allows the students to plan and systematically work together with other students in project groups. At the beginning of the course, several inspirational lectures are given by companies that have designed their production system with a holistic perspective in mind. An important feature of the course is training in so called Bench marking where the students through contacts with different leading companies in certain areas obtain necessary information to solve the project work. Each group decides what companies are to be contacted. Each group also has a given amount of working capital at their command. The project work is performed in groups of about four students. Each group has its supervisor within the department as well as special supervisors available for specific information needed. Both part and final presentations will be examined by the department as well as external opponents with industrial connections.

In order to pass this course the project work, written documentation and presentation of the results have to be performed in an approved way. Taking part in seminars, part and final presentations of the project is mandatory. Course grades as above.

Project Work                                                	9.0 ECTS



Last modified 97-03-05
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