Engelska Studiehandboken kurser

Business Adm and Social Science

IES617 Political Science, Advanced Cource, D 30.0 ECTS credits


General information about studying at Luleå university



Lars Carlsson Univ lekt

Basic course A, Advanced courses B and C. Even approved C thesis.

COURSE AIM - To give an advanced knowledge in how theories are formed within political science, as well as the disciplins methods and application. - The course also intends foremost to supply insight and knowledge on institutional policy analysis as well as the advantages and disadvantages that are associated with alternative means of application. - To prepare the student for an eventual career in research.

CONTENTS Course A: Institutional Policy Analysis - The course treats different types of application within todays policy research. Special attention will be focused on the concept institution also how the concept interpreded within research disciplins. - During the course certain alternative and complementing approaches, with special attention focused on so called network approaches, will be treated. The following approaches will be treated: The Advocacy Coalition Framework, The Impementation Structure Approach, Policy and Epistemic Community Approaches, The Institutional Analysis and Development Framework (IAD) and also Narrative Policy Analysis. Course B: Thesis - Every student will write a thesis. This aims to demonstrate the students ability to freely and independently compose a major thesis. Compared to the earlier C-thesis, this work aims in a higher degree to demonstrate the students theoretical insight, ability to problematize and structure a research problem, as well as to present this in a thorough manner. - Choice of thesis should, if possible, reflect the students future area of research.


Grading system: Pass and Honours. Course A: Rapports and seminars. Course B: Thesis.


Thesis and seminarthesis                                    	15.0ECTS
Seminar, item 2                                             	1.5ECTS
Assignment report, item 2                                   	6.0ECTS
Seminar, item 1                                             	3.0ECTS
Assignment report, item 1                                   	4.5ECTS

LITERATURE Moment 1 Almond, Gabriel and Stephen J. Genco, (1977) "Clouds, Clocks, and the Study of Politics, " World Politics, nr 29, s. 489-522. Andersson Sten, (1979) Positivism kontra hermeneutik. Göteborg: Korpen Chalmers Alan F., ( 1990) What is this thing called science? Bristol: Open University Press Eriksson, Gunnar, (1991) Den faustiska människan. Stockholm: Natur och Kultur F¿llesdal, Dagfinn, Lars Wall¿e och Jon Elster, (1995) Argumentationsteori, språk och vetenskapsfilosofi. Stockholm: Thales. Hanson, Bertil, (1994) "Game Theory and the Search for Causation in Political Science, " paper, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Umeå Universitet. Rorty, Richard, (1981) "Method, Social Science and Social Hope. " Canadian Journal of Philosophy, XI, nr. 4 (December 1981), s. 569-588. LITERATURE Moment 2 Carlsson, Lars (1996) "Nonhierarchical Implementation Analysis. An alternative to the Methodological Mismatch in Policy Analysis." Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 8 No. 4, pp. 527-546. Carlsson, Lars, (1996) "Policy Networks as Collective Action," paper presenterat vid Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte i Lund, 13-15 oktober. Fischer, Frank, (1993) "Reconstructing Policy Analysis: A Postpositivist Perspective." Policy Sciences, No. 25, pp. 333-339. Hill, Michael (1993) The Policy Process: a reader. London: Harvester Wheatsheaf. Högskolan i Luleå, avd. Statsvetenskap, (1996) "Policyanalys: en exempelsamling," kompendium. Marin, Bernd and Mayntz, Renate, eds. (1991) Policy Networks. Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Considerations. Boulder Colorado: Westview Press, sid. 11Ð59. Ostrom, Elinor, Roy Gardner, and James Walker (1994) Rules, Games, and Common-Pool Resources. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, pp. 1-50. Premfors, Rune, (1992) Policyanalys. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Schram, Sanford F., (1993) "Postmodern Policy Analysis: Discourse and Identity in Welfare Policy.". Policy Sciences. No 26:249-270. Torgerson, Douglas, (1986) "Between Knowledge and Politics: Three Faces of Policy Analysis." Policy Sciences, No. 19, pp. 33-60.


Last modified : 97-12-02

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