PÄN405 The Nature of Human Beings 30.0 ECTS credits | |
TIMEPERIOD: Q2, Q3 LANGUAGE:Swedish EXAMINER PREREQUISITES Applicants must have completed the courses MTF301, PÄN400 and MTF302. COURSE AIM The aims of the course are that students: - develop a comprehensive view of the mental and physical health of human beings and an awareness of individuals' possibilities of influencing their own quality of life - acquire knowledge of cells as the building blocks of the body, and as the reproducing unity and foundation for the origin and development of life - acquire knowledge of the different organs and systems of organs of the human body, and how these function together - gain familiarity with basic concepts and methods in the fields of optics and acoustics, so that they can understand and explain everyday processes - gain a good understanding of how drugs, poison and factors in the work environment effect the human body CONTENTS Module 1. Biology, cytology, genetics, 7 p - biochemistry and the biochemical processes of the cell - the emergence of life from biochemical processes - the cell and its building blocks, processes and function - genetics; classical, molecular and population genetics Module 2. The human body, 1 p - form, function and development (embryology) - physiology and organ anatomy - defense systems (immunology) - sensory organs and their physics (acoustics and optics) - the central nervous system and the behavior of human beings (ethology) Module 3. Human beings in their local environment, 3 p - individuals' possibilities to influence their own health and quality of life (drugs, poison, nutrition, hygiene, work environment) - the evolution of human beings and human ecology - first aid and training in recessitation techniques TEACHING Module 1. Biology, cytology, genetics, 7 p - biochemistry and the biochemical processes of the cell - the emergence of life from biochemical processes - the cell and its building blocks, processes and function - genetics; classical, molecular and population genetics Module 2. The human body, 1 p - form, function and development (embryology) - physiology and organ anatomy - defense systems (immunology) - sensory organs and their physics (acoustics and optics) - the central nervous system and the behavior of human beings (ethology) Module 3. Human beings in their local environment, 3 p - individuals' possibilities to influence their own health and quality of life (drugs, poison, nutrition, hygiene, work environment) - the evolution of human beings and human ecology - first aid and training in recessitation techniques EXAMINATION Laboratory work, literature seminars and oral presentations are compulsory. Written and oral presentation of project and assignment given during teaching practice. Written and oral examination, individually and in group. COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass. ITEMS/CREDITS | |
Chemistry, Biology, Techn./project work | 7.50ECTS |
Physics/exam | 7.50ECTS |
Biology/exam | 7.50ECTS |
Chemistry, Biology/exam | 7.50ECTS |
COURSE LITERATURE Campbell, N A (1996). Biology. The Benjamin/Cummings Publ. ISBN 0-08053-1967-3. Rischer, C E & Easton, T (1995). Focus on Human Biology. Harper Collins. ISBN 0-065-01796-X. Stryer, L (1995). Biochemistry. 4th ed. W H Freeman and Co. ISBN 0-7167-2009-4. Yong. University Physics. Vetenskapliga rapporter/artiklar i samråd med examinator. Ytterligare litteratur tillkommer efter studentens eget val. REMARKS |
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