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Course Catalog 01/02

Department of Education

LUI001 Leisure Sciences A 30.0 ECTS credits

Q 1-2



General entrance requirements.

The aims of the course are that the students acquire basic knowledge of the development and significance of leisure from the perspectives of behavioural and social science, nature and the liberal arts within the field of leisure science.

Module 1: Man and leisure, 5 credits
- leisure science as discipline, education, field of work and research
- the concept of leisure - free time yesterday, today and tomorrow
- psychological perspectives - people's need of leisure for their well-being and health
- leisure and learning
- sociological perspectives - gender, ethnicity, social background, age and demographic aspects - the process of socialization
- work placement and project

Module 2: Society and leisure, 5 credits
- the ideology and policy of leisure
- political goals and means for recreation activities
- public, political and administrative organizations, their tasks, authority and problems, leisure in social planning
- different religions, new movements in society, outlooks on life and religious faith
- the development, organization and function of the popular movements
- work placement and project

Module 3: Nature and leisure, 5 credits
- the form and function of the body
- movement, body image and self-knowledge from a life-long perspective
- ergonomics
- creative movement activities, movement outdoors/indoors
- first aid and life-saving
- the basics of outdoor life
- work placement and project

Module 4: Culture and leisure, 5 credits
- concepts of culture, expressions of culture, cultural diversity
- different forms of art as means of expression
- the significance of cultural identity
- literature, music, art, theatre, dance, handicraft and the significance of these forms of art to meaningful leisure
- the influence of popular culture, mass media and information technology on leisure
- work placement and project

The teaching will consist of lectures, lessons, group discussions, excursions, field studies, study visits and literature seminars. The students are to develop personal, social, creative and communicative skills. Work placement and a project are included in the course. The work placement will be supervised and is to be carried out in a day-centre for school-age children or a youth recreation centre. All aspects of the course prepare the students for the work placement and the project, which are carried out by the end of the course. Preparatory to the project work, there will be tuition in the basics of research methodology and in the reading and writing of scientific reports.

Evaluation of course assignments carried out in the form of reflecting reports. Written and oral examination, individually and in groups. Work placement and project will also be evaluated.



Culture and leisure/WP and project 1.50ECTS
Culture and leisure/exam 6.00ECTS
Nature and leisure/WP and project 1.50ECTS
Nature and leisure/exam 6.00ECTS
Society and leisure/WP and project 1.50ECTS
Society and leisure/exam 6.00ECTS
Man and leisure/WP and project 1.50ECTS
Man and leisure/exam 6.00ECTS

Berggren, L (2000). Fritidskulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-01112-1. (kap 1-3, 5, 8,13 och 15)
Csiksentmih‡lyi, M (1999). Finna flow, den vardagliga entusiasmens psykologi. Stockholm: Natur och kultur. ISBN 91-27-07293-2.
Ende, M (1991). Momo - eller kampen om tiden. Berghs Big Pocket. ISBN 91-502-0905-1.
Lalander, P & Johansson, T (2000). Ungdomsgrupper i teori och praktik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00989-5.

Berggren, L (2000). Fritidskulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-01112-1. (kap 4, 6 och 11)
Byström Janarv, G (1998) Gudastyrd vardag. Världsreligionerna i människornas dagliga liv. Bildaförlag. ISBN 91-574-5285-7.
Frisk, L (1998). Nyreligiositet i Sverige: ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Nora: Nya Doxa. ISBN 91-578-0044-8.
Gustavsson, A (1999). Kommunal självstyrelse. SNS Förlag (7:e uppl.). ISBN 91-7150-611-X.
Nilsson, P (1998). Fritid i skilda världar. Ungdomsstyrelsen. ISBN 91-89050-14-2.
SOU 1996:3. Fritid i förändring - om kön och fördelning av fritidsresurser. Fritzes. ISBN 91-38-20152-6.

Berggren, L (2000). Fritidskulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-01112-1. (kap 7 och 14).
Brügge, B, Glantz, M & Sandell, K (1999). Friluftslivets pedagogik. Liber. ISBN 91-47-04946-4.
Ekblom, B & Nilsson, J (2000). Aktivt liv. Vetenskap och praktik. SISU. ISBN 91-88940-81-0.
Isberg, R (1995). Färd: möte-människa-natur. Centrum Tryck AB, Avesta 1998. ISBN 91-630-3841-2.

Berggren, L (2000). Fritidskulturer. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-01112-1. (kap 9, 10, 12 och 13)
Bjurström, E (1997). Högt och lågt: smak och stil i ungdomskulturen. Umeå: Boréa. ISBN 91-972690-6-9.
Björkvold, J-R (1998). Sköldpaddans sång. Stockholm: Runa Förlag. ISBN 91-882-98-40-x.
Lundqvist, U (1995). Läsa, tolka, förstå. Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 91-21-14199-1.
Skoglund, E (1993) Leken och konsten. Bergs förlag. Stockholm. ISBN 91-502-1147-1.

För projektarbetet i kursen.
Backman, J (1998). Rapporter och uppsatser. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-00417-6.

Tillkommer engelskspråkig litteratur, vetenskapliga artiklar, rapporter och kompendier och skönlitteratur i alla kursmoment.

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17