IEM020 Examensarbete för utbytesstudenter 20.0 poäng | |
ÄMNE (enl SCB) Industriell marknadsföring NIVÅ/DJUP D M PROGRAM/TIDSPERIOD / Lp I-IV SPRÅK: Engelska EXAMINATOR Esmail Salehi-Sangari Tf prof FASTSTÄLLD Kursplanen är fastställd 010223 att gälla från höstterminen -01. FÖRKUNSKAPSKRAV Beslutas av examinator. SYFTE/MÅL The main aim of the course is to create an opportunity for the student to write the final thesis for their exam. The project will train the student in solving an unstructured research problem and to present it in the general format of a research report. INNEHÅLL This course is designed for our foreign guest students. The course will include necessary preparation prior to the thesis writing and provide supervision during the work with their project. The project(s) can be within different areas of marketing (i.e. marketing strategy, industrial marketing, marketing research, international marketing etc.) and/or international business. UNDERVISNING Seminars and/or individual supervision. EXAMINATION Written thesis, oral presentation and oral and written opposition. KURSENS BETYGSKALA: U, 3, 4, 5 MOMENT/PROV | |
Examensarbete | 20.0poäng |
LITTERATUR To be announced later.
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