SME076 Projekt i robotik och mekatronik 8.0 poäng | |
ÄMNE (enl SCB) Elektroteknik NIVÅ/DJUP D M PROGRAM/TIDSPERIOD D4, E4 / Lp 3-4 / / SPRÅK: Engelska/Svenska EXAMINATOR Åke Wernersson Prof FASTSTÄLLD Kursplanen är fastställd av Institutionen för systemteknik 2000-02-16 att gälla från HT00. Reviderad 2001-10-01att gälla från HT2001. FÖRKUNSKAPSKRAV Basic courses in Automatic Control, Signal Processing, Electronics and Computing. SYFTE/MÅL Computer control of mechanical systems with feedback from non-contact (optronic) sensors like lasers, cameras, GPS etc. Be familiar with the research literature in a project and establishing a network with other groups around the globe. INNEHÅLL The problem to be solved is specified by the examiner in a dialog with the students. The theme of the project will be Global Personal Robots (GPR's) - extending your sensing and arm into a remote reality where we specialise to controlling a model car with sensors and PC 104 on board. Communication using Radio LAN and the first goal is to give the robot local "intelligence". One application is that the robot should navigate autonomously in the campus corridors and report back (photo) any changes it discovers between the passages. A scanning laser to be used. A second project might be to use the signals in the Radio LAN for estimating the position. Details depends on the interests of the participants and sponsoring. We already have a petrol driven RC car for outdoor use (1 meter, 70km/h) equipped with GPS, gyros, camera. New chassis with electrical motor is one solution. There is also a computer controlled wheel chair. UNDERVISNING Weekly technical discussions. As the project proceeds it is documented on a Web page. EXAMINATION Public presentation with live demonstration and a report. KURSENS BETYGSKALA: U, G MOMENT/PROV | |
Löpande examination | 8.0poäng |
LITTERATUR Journal papers and monographs.
ÖVRIGT The status of the GPR's will be updated on the robotics web.
Kursen kan ej kombineras i examen med annan projektkurs som ges inom inriktning, för närvarande SMD080 / SMD113, SMD089 / SMD116, SMD106, SMD105, SME037 / SME077, SME081, SME075, SMR018 och SMS019
Universitetet | Student | Forskning | Sök | Kontakta oss | In English |
LULEÅ TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET Universitetsområdet, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. 0920-91 000, fax 0920-91 399 |