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Course Catalog 01/02

Chemical and Metallurgical Eng

KMK612 Chemistry CI, Environmental Technology/Environmental Chemi 15.0 ECTS credits



Douglas Baxter Univ lekt

Chemistry AB, 40p

Item 1:
The objective of the course is to provide the students with basic knowledge about environmental science and to make them aquainted with strategies and technologies for pollution prevention in industrial and public activities.
Item 2:
The course will provide basic knowledge in chemistry applicable to proctical environmental analysis and necessary to understand how anthropogenic activity affects the environment and it's cycles.

The extent of different parts of the course is given in %. Introduction (9%). Historical description of the interaction between man and environment. General overview of local, regional and global environmental problems. Basic Environmental Science (16%). Basuc ecology, the greenhouse effect, ozon degradation, eutrophication, water and ground acidification, heavy metals and emissions of organic compounds to air and water. Environmental protection (6%). Legislation and other means of governmental control. Authorities and organizations. Clean Technology (9%). Minimization of environmental impact of various activities by application of an overall view
of the chain from natural resources to waste. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). Techniques for pollution prevention (38%). Different techniques for cleaning and minimization of emissions are
discussed. Methods (unit operations) based upon different chemical and physical separation methods are described. Thermal, catalytic and biological destruction methods are
accounted for deposition methods are treated. Practical use of the different methods is examplified. The build-up of processes for cleaning of water and air is discussed. Pollution prevention in practice (22%). With the help of lecturers from industry and authorities, an overview of the currently most interesting areas of environmental protection work in industry and society is given.
Item 2:
The course is divided into three main parts:
- The atmosphere
- The hydrosphere
- The biosphere
In the first part, atmospheric chemistry and the effects of anthropogenic
emissions on the global climate and air quality is discussed.
Pollution of the worlds' water resources is treated in the second part, as
well as water chemistry and uses.
The effects of organic compounds and heavy metals are sudied in part three,
together with the application of chemical products in modern society.

Item 1:
The course is presented in the form of lectures and a major project assignment. The project is performed in groups of 4-6 students.
Item 2:
The teaching consists of lectures and compulsory project presentations. Course participants are expected to actively contribute to discussions during the lectures, give accounts of home exercises and to present, both written and seminar form, a critical study of a current environmental problem.
Attendance at the first lecture is compulsory unless exemption is granted in advance.

Item 1:
Written examination with differentiated grades. The project assignment is reported in the form of a written report and an oral presentation of the results.
Item 2:
Approved study questions and project reports gives a grade 3 result. A written examination with differentiated grades will only be given to students interested in achieving a better result.

Required assignments (environmental chemistry) 3.75ECTS
Project work or examination (environmental chemistry) 3.75ECTS
Project work (environmental technology) 2.25ECTS
Written exam (environmental technology) 5.25ECTS

Item 1:
Compendium in "Kemisk miljövetenskap", "Teknik för utsläppsprevention"
Item 2:
P.Warfvinge: Miljökemi, KFS i Lund 1998

Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17