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Course Catalog 01/02

Mechanical Engineering

MTM077 Sirius - Creative Product Design Process 30.0 ECTS credits



Lennart Karlsson Prof

All core courses in mechanical engineering.

The overall goal of the course is to provide an opportunity for the student to apply and consolidate existing and new knowledge in all aspects of the product design chain and thus act as a foundation for working as a designer in industry.

The course is divided into the following modules, each with their own sub-goals.
- Project management
The module will explore working in project form and the role of the project leader. Methods for project planning as well as administration and documentation as practised in design projects in industry will be presented.
-Industrial design
The aim of this module is to provide the student with knowledge about how a product should be designed in order to best satisfy the expectations placed upon it.
- Systematic product development.
The aim of this module is to give the student the tools and knowledge necessary to generate acceptable solutions to different types of designs problem within a reasonable time and cost framework. The module presents and explores the use of systematic design methodology and also demonstrates how design problems are solved in industry.
- Computer aided methods in mechanical engineering
This module will provide knowledge about computer aided design and analysis and how these can be applied in team based design situations.
- Project
The project offers the student the opportunity to apply and develop their existing knowledge as well as developing new skills necessary to work as a designer in industry. The course will allow working with computer based design aids in a team environment during all aspects of the modern product design process. The need and importance of documentation as well as presentation of results will be emphasised.

- Project management
Working in teams; role, responsibility and leadership. Project planning and administration. Industrial design projects.

History of industrial design. Design vs. industrial design. Promotion of product and company. Success factors. Design management. Graphic design. Computer aided industrial design. (CAID)
-Systematic product development
Basic and general design rules. Mechanism design. Design for manufacturing and assembly. Modular design. Design methodology. ISO 9000.
History and basis. Defining the problem. Requirements specification. Abstraction and generalisation. Functional structures. Methods of generating ideas. Combined solutions. Assessment of alternatives. Weakness analysis. Practical examples.
- Computer aided techniques in mechanical engineering
Computer aided design (CAD), modern CAD techniques, parametric design etc. Digital assembly techniques and data management in team environments.
- Project
Students work in groups with a product design problem. The project will cover all aspects of design from concept sketch to finished prototype. The results of project will be presented verbally and in the form of technical reports.

Teaching follows the traditional pattern of lectures, tutorial group and individual work. During the project, support will be given to structure and assist the studentsŐ own learning processes. Every opportunity for individual coaching will be taken.

The project work will be presented in the form of technical reports and verbal presentations. Examination of the other modules will be by examination, seminar and submitted course work. The final grade is a combination of all of the above



Project work, part 2 10.50ECTS
Systematic product development 6.00ECTS
Industral design 1.50ECTS
Computer Aided Techniques, Written exam 4.50ECTS
Projectplanning and leadership 1.50ECTS

Engineering Design, G Pahl, W Betz, Springer-Verlag
Other literature will be announced.

Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17