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Course Catalog 01/02

Human Work Science

ARE052 Research and Ergonomic Methods 13.5 ECTS credits



S Väyrynen, Oulu Univ,Finland Utl prof

Possess a bachelor's degree in science or 120 university points in the field of science or equivalent and have a good knowledge in English.

To be able to understand, select and utilize the appropriate methods for investigating ergonomics problems, and for presenting data for evaluating future design solutions to these problems.

Module 1: Statistics for Human Sciences. Data collection, sampling, classification, data presentation, statistical distribution, probability, data analysis, significant tests, correlation, confidence intervals, comparison of two or more treatments, analysis of variance, regression analysis, factorial design, non-parametric methods, experimental design, use of statistical software.
Module 2: Ergonomics methods. Ergonomics methods are divided into methods of data collection concerning people, application of data to design, and evaluation of the design.
Module 3: Computer-aided methods in ergonomics (CAME). Graphic computer-aided (CA) methods to solve reach, posture and visibility problems in seated and standing positions; Energy expenditure and human static strength predictions in manual materials handling; Computer simulations and visualising, Introduction to computer-aided design (products and workplaces).
Module 4: Questionnaire design. Questionnaire design and other methods of data collection; Methods of questionnaire surveys; Question and answer construction and design; Mail questionnaire and implementation; Interviews; Quantification and analysis of questionnaire data.
Module 5: Subjective assessment. Subjective measurement; Scaling techniques (Quantification of human opinion); Attitude measurement, Rating and ranking, paired comparisons; Variability, objectivity and experimental effects, Validity and reliability of measurements.
Module 6: Epidemiology. Basic principles and methods of epidemiology; nature, use, strenght and limitations.

Module 1: The teaching will consists of instruction classes in the form of lectures and practical exercises using computer statistical programs.
Module 2: Lectures and exercises
Module 3: The major part of teaching will be exercises with the computer. There will be few theoretical instruction classes.
Module 4: The teaching will consists of classroom lectures.
Module 5: Lectures and practical exercises
Module 6: Lectures and practical exercises

Module 1: Written test and assignments
Module 2: Written test and assignments
Module 3: A design assessment on the computer and classroom assessment
Module 4, 5 and 6: Assignments




Module 6 - Assignemnet 1.50ECTS
Module 5 - Assignement 1.50ECTS
Module 4 - Assignement 1.50ECTS
Module 3 - classroom assessment 1.50ECTS
Module 3 - Design assignement 1.50ECTS
Module 2 - assignement 1.50ECTS
Module 2 - written test 1.50ECTS
Module 1 - assignement 1.50ECTS
Module 1 - written test 1.50ECTS

Module 1:
á Box, Hunter & Hunter, 1978, Statistics for experimenters, Wiley
á RR. Pagano, 1990, Understanding statistics in the behavioural sciences, 6th ed. Minnesota, West
á D Howell, 1992. Statistical methods for psychology, 3rd ed., Duxberry Press, UK
Module 2:
JR Wilson & EN Corlett. (eds.) 1990. Evaluation of human work. Taylor & Francis, London
Module 3:
1. Karwowski, W., Genaidy, A.M., abd Asfour, S.S.m (ed), 1990. Computer-Aided Ergonomics. A Researcher's Guide, Taylor & Francis, London.
á Ma 3. Väyrynen, S., 1992 Some Finnish graphic computer-aided methods for better ergonomics and safety. In: Advances in Industrial Ergonomics and Safety IV. ( S. Kumar), Taylor & Francis, London, 142-1426.
á V äyrynen, S., Ojanen, K., Pyyykkönen, M., Peurainiemi, A., Suumäkki, T., and Kemppainen, M., 1990. OWASCA: Computer aided visualizing and training software for work posture analysis. In: Computer-aided Ergonomics, (Ed. by W. KLarwowski et al, Taylor & Francis, London.
Module 4:
á Abeysekera JDA. & Shahnavaz H. 1985. A brief guide to questionnaire design (with examples from ergonomics), TULEÅ 1985, Luleå University, Sweden
á Oppenheim AN. 1992 Questionnaire design and attitude measurement, 2nd ed., London: Heinermann.
Module 5: Printed handouts provided in the class.
Module 6:
á R Beaglehole, R Bonita & T Kjellström. 1993, Basic epidemiology. WHO, Geneva

Valid for the academic year 01/02.

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Last edited 2001-12-17