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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS634 Social Studies A/B 60.0 ECTS credits



Lennart Ohlsson Univ adj

General entrance requirements. The course primarily addresses future teachers in social studies.

The aims of the course are that students acquire the knowledge required for teaching social studies at comprehensive school, which includes:
- basic knowledge of the different fields of the social sciences
- ability to knowledge and methods of the different fields of the social sciences
- ability to discuss and analyse social problems and political issues
- knowledge of subject-specific didactic issues relevant to school

ITEM 1. Theory and methods of social science. Five credits.
Research traditions in the field of social science.
Research methods.
ITEM 2. Politics and administration. Ten credits.
Political ideologies, parties and interest groups.
Swedish and foreign constitution.
Public and private administration.
Swedish foreign and security policy.
Development assistance policy.
The labour market/labour-market policy.
Didactic issues.
ITEM 3. National economy. Six credits.
The actors on the economic scene.
Private and public economy.
Economic planning, budgeting and follow-up.
Economic policy and social policy.
Didactic issues.
ITEM 4. The multicultural society. Six credits.
Sweden and the surrounding world.
Swedish immigrant and refugee policy.
Religious and social patterns.
Ethnic groups and the situation of minorities.
Patterns of life and living conditions.
Didactic issues.
ITEM 5. Society and the environment. Five credits.
Environmental planning from local and global perspectives.
Environmental law.
Life styles, the environment and values.

Didactic issues.
ITEM 6. The individual and the legal system. Three credits.
Private and public law.
Consumer law.
Company law.
Didactic issues.
ITEM 7. Political and economic patterns in the world of today. Five credits.
Regions and regional policy from global perspective.
Modern Europe.
International law.
International relations.
International development assistance.
International co-operation.
Didactic issues.

The teaching will consist of lessons, group practice, field studies and seminars.

Written and oral examination, individually and in groups.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Distinction.


Political and economi cal patterns in the world of today/exa 7.50ECTS
The individual and the community governed by laws/exam 4.50ECTS
Society and the environment/exam 7.50ECTS
The multicultural society/exam 9.00ECTS
National economy/exam 9.00ECTS
Politics and public administration/exam 15.00ECTS
Theory and methods of social science/exam 7.50ECTS

Meddelas innan kursstart.


Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15