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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS631 Psychology, Sociology and Teaching of Religion C 30.0 ECTS credits



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Applicants must have thirty-two credits from the basic course in religious studies (Religious Studies A/B, 40 credits). Eight of these credits must be in behavioural science.

The aims of the first part of the course are that students:
- acquire broad and in-depth knowledge of the interplay between the individual, the group and
their greater context both at a social and a religious level
- develop ability to profit by presentations in the field, and to critically analyse, describe and evaluate applied methods and results
The aims of the second part of the course are that students:
- gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of one of the three aspects of the psychology, sociology and teaching of religion, that is, of the psychological, the sociological or the educational aspects of the interplay between the individual, the group and their greater context at both a social and a religious level
- train their ability to independently apply scientific working methods, and to mark off and focus a clear issue
The aims of the third part of the course are that students:
- acquire in-depth knowledge and understanding of one of the three aspects of the psychology,
sociology and teaching of religion - either the psychological, the sociological or the educational
aspects of the interplay between the individual, the group and their greater context both at a
social and a religious level
- increase their ability to independently apply scientific working methods, and to mark off and focus a distinct issue

Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part I.
Item 1. Methodology. One credit.
Qualitative and quantitative methods. Introduction to basic statistical concepts. Ethics of research.
Item 2. Sociology of religion. Three credits.
Concepts and theories in the sociology of religion. Study of religion as a social phenomenon, the individual's and the group's attitude to religion and religious change in individuals, groups and society on basis of these concepts and theories.
Item 3. Psychology of religion. Three credits.
The history of development of the psychology of religion. Religion as experience and behaviour. Personality and religion, meditation, mysticism, depth psychology and religion. Pastoral cure as it relates to psychology.
Item 4. Teaching of religion. Three credits.
The conditions of religious teaching. Theories in the teaching of religion. The aims and teaching process of religions instruction. Religious instruction from a historical perspective.

Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part II.
Introduction providing basic knowledge of choice of methods, planning and writing of a scientific report. The choice of topic for the paper, which gives ten credits, is to be made in consultation with one of the lecturers. Apart from the introduction there will no be no teaching in the form of lectures in this part of the course. Prescribed texts and draft papers will be discussed in compulsory seminars.

Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part III.
Item 1 carries five credits and consists of in-depth literature studies in one of the three areas of the psychology, sociology and teaching of religion. Introduction providing basic knowledge of choice of methods, planning and writing of a scientific report. Compulsory literature seminars, oral presentations individually or in groups and written presentations.
Item 2 involve writing a paper, which gives five credits. The choice of topic for the paper is to be made in consultation with the lecturer that teaches either sociology of religion, psychology of religion or teaching of religion. Apart from the introduction there will no be no teaching in the form of lectures in this part of the course. Prescribed texts and draft papers will be discussed in compulsory seminars.

The teaching in the first part of the course will consist of compulsory lectures, literature seminars, oral and written presentations individually and/or in groups. Part II and III - see "Content".

Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part I.
Oral and/or written examination.
Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part II.
The students will be required to present a paper in a seminar and to act as opponents in another seminar.
Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion - part III.
Oral and/or written examination. The students will be required to present a paper in a seminar.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Distinction


Part II or part III/exam, paper 15.00ECTS
Psychology, sociology and teaching of religion/exam 4.50ECTS
Teaching of religion/exam 4.50ECTS
Sociology of religion/exam 4.50ECTS
Methodology/exam 1.50ECTS

á Religionsbeteendevetenskap C1
Moment 1: Metod
Alver, B G & Öyen, Ö (1998). Etik och praktik i forskarens vardag. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Holme, I M & Solvang, B (1997). Forskningsmetodik. Om kvalitativa och kvantitativa metoder. Lund. (valda delar)
Moment 2: Religionssociologi
Barker, E (1989). New Religious Movements, a practical introduction. London: HMSO. (valda delar 150s)
Frisk, L (1998). Nyreligiositet i Sverige. Ett religionsvetenskapligt perspektiv. Falun. s181-239 (det religionssociologiska perspektivet)
Pettersson, T & Riis, O (1994). Scandinavian Values, Religion and Morality in the Nordic Countries. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, Psychologia & Sociologia Religionum, 10. (valda delar ca 160s)
Repstad, P (1996). Religion and modernity. Oslo, Stockholm: Scandinavian University Press. (184s)
Roberts, K A (1995). Religion in Sociological Perspective. London: Wadsworth Publishing Company. (valda delar ca 150s)
Wilson, B R (1982). Religion in Sociological Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (187s)
Moment 3: Religionspsykologi
Batson, D C, Schoenrade, P & Ventis L W. Religion and the Individual. A socialpsychological perspective. New York: Oxford University Press. (valda delar, ca 150s)
Fhanér, S (1985). Psykologi som förklaring, förståelse och kritik. Stockholm (127s).
Gilligan, C (!993). Med kvinnors röst. Psykologisk teori om kvinnors utveckling. Stockholm. (189s)
Wikström, O (1994). Det bländande mörkret. Om andlig vägledning och psykoterapi I vår tid. Örebro. (278s)
Wulff, D M (1993). Religionspsykologi 1 o 2. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (valda delar)
Moment 4: Religionspedagogik
Astley, J & Francis, L J (1996). Christian Theology et Religious Education, Connections and Contradictions. Bristol. (valda delar)
Fowler, J W, Nipkow, K E & Schweitzer, F (1992). Stages of Faith, and Religious Development: implications for church education and society. London SCM Press. (280s)
Jarlert, A (red) (1998). Barnet i kyrkohistorien. Lund: Lund University Press. (valda delar, om barnet i hustavlans värld ca 50s)
Johansson, E (1983). Kyrkböckerna berättar. Forskningens frontlinjer. Stockholm. (127s)
Lindmark, D (1993). "Sann kristendom och medborgerlig dygd". Studier i den svenska katekesundervisningens historia. Album Religionum Umense 2. Umeå. (valda delar)
Selander, S-Å (1993). Undervisa i religionskunskap. Lund: Studentlitteratur. (130s)

Den angivna litteraturen är i viss mån alternativ och kan ändras i samråd med undervisande lärare. Som helhet ska kurslitteraturen omfatta ca 2000-2400 sidor och fördelas inom religionsbeteendevetenskapens tre områden.

á Religionsbeteendevetenskap C2:1
Jarrick, A & Josephson, O (1988). Från tanke till text. En språkhandbok för uppsatsskrivande studenter. Lund.

Övrig litteratur som är relevant till val av område och uppsatsämne bestäms i samråd med handledaren, med ledning av litteraturlistan för C2:2 och egna förslag.

á Religionsbeteendevetenskap C2:2
Litteraturen för moment 1 som ska omfatta ca 1000-1200s väljs utifrån litteraturlistan och egna förslag i samråd med undervisande lärare.
Litteraturen är till viss del överlappande.
Jarrick, A & Josephson, O (1996). Från tanke till text. En språkhandbok för uppsatsskrivande studenter. Lund. (133s)
Litteraturförslag: Inom ett område väljs i samråd med undervisande lärare litteratur som omfattar ca 1000-1200s.
Moment 1: Religionssociologi
Berger, P L (1973). The Social Reality of Religion. Harmondsworth. (235s)
Beyer, P (1994). Religion and Globalisation. Lund (250s)
Bowen, J R (1998). Religion inCulture and Society. Boston. (248s)
Bruce, S (1996). Religion in the Modern World, from Chatedrals to Cults. Oxford University Press. (251s)
Cousineau, M (1998). Religion in a Changing World. Comparative studies in sociology. Westport, Conn (235s)
Heelas, P (ed), Martin, D & Morris, P (1998). Religion, Modernity and Postmodernity. Oxford, Blackwell. (338s)
Straarup, J (1985). Folklig religiositet och åsikter om nybyggda kyrkor. (180s)
Wilson, B R (1990). The Social Dimension of Secterianism: sects and new religious movements in contemporary society. Oxford University Press. (299s)
Wuthnow, R (1992). Rediscovering the Sacred: perspectives on Religion in Contemporary Society. (178s)
Moment 2: Religionspsykologi
Beit-Hallahmi, B & Argyle, M (1997). The Psychology of Religious Behavior, Belief and Experience. London, Routledge. (318s)
Bergstrand, G (1984). En illusion och dess utveckling. Om synen på religion I psykoanalytisk teori. Älvsjö. (144s)
Csikszentmihalyi, M (1992). Flow, den optimala upplevelsens psykologi. Stockholm.
Frankl, V (1997). Gud och det omedvetna. Stockholm. (130s)
Geels, A (1991). Att möta Gud i kaos, religiösa visioner i dagens Sverige. Stockholm. (283s)
Hof-Stinissen (1972). Mystik och meditation. Stockholm. (292s)
Holm, N G (1992, 1979). Mystik och intensiva upplevelser. Del 1-3. Stockholm, Åbo. (160s)
Leech, K (1989). Spirituality and Pastoral Care. London.
Nordlund, K-A (1994). Existentiella frågor i själavården. Stockholm.
St. Clair, M (1994). Human Relationship and the Experience of God. Object Relations and Religion. New York: Paulist Press. (103s)
Sundén, H (1971). Religionen och rollerna. Ett psykologiskt studium av fromheten. Stockholm. (573s)
Tudor-Sandahl, P (1993). Den fängslande verkligheten. Objektsrelationsteori i praktiken. Stockholm. (178s)
Wikström, O (1992). Den outgrundliga människan. Livsfrågor, psykoterapo och själavård. Stockholm. (318s)
Wikström, O (1980). Stöd eller börda? Religionens roll i psykiatri och psykoterapi. Uppsala. (s86-240)
Yalom, I D (1980). Existential Psychotherapy. New York. (524s)
Moment 3: Religionspedagogik
Asmund & Dale (1992). Undervisning i kirken gjennom tidene. Oslo, Stockholm. (216s)
Astley, J & Francis, L J (1996). Christian Theology et Religious Education, Connections and Contradictions. Bristol. (276s)
Benktson, B-E (1990). Pedagogik och existens: granskning av B Dahlins avhandling. (19s)
Brunstad, P O (1998). Ungdom og livstolkning: en studie av unga menneskers tro og fremtidsförventningar. Trondheim. (292s).
Dahlin, B (1989). Religionen, själen och livets mening: en fenomenografisk och existensfilosofisk studie av religionsundervisningens villkor. Göteborg: Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis. (359s)
Edgaardh Beckman, N (1998). Folkkyrka i solidaritet med kvinnor. Tro & Tanke 1998:2. Svenska kyrkans forskningsråd. (138s)
Groome, T H (1980). Christian Religious Education. Sharing Our Story and Vision. San Fransisco. (300s)
Hartman, S G (1995). Lärares kunskap. Traditioner och idéer i svensk undervisningshistoria. Linköping. (220s)
Johansson, E (1993). Kan själva orden. Artiklar i folkundervisningens historia. Scriptum 38, Umeå Universitet Forskningsarkivet. (67s)
Kilström, B I (1958). Den kateketiska undervisningen i Sverige under medeltiden. Uppsala. (340s)
Olivestam, C E, Larsson, R & Wiedel, B (1995). Teori och praktik kring kyrkans bibelundervisning. Umeå. (190s)
Seymour-Miller (1990). Contemporary Approaches Christian Education. Nashville. (165s)
Sjödin, U (1995). En skola flera världar. Lund. (175s)


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Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15