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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄP046 Social Pedagogics 7.5 ECTS credits



Arne Forsman Univ adj

Applicants must have completed the courses KSP046 and PÄP044.

The general aims of the course are that students acquire such knowledge that they can guide, support and encourage adolescents in their learning and acquisition of such knowledge, skills, values and norms that they need to establish, maintain and develop personal and social relationships and achieve a good quality of life.
Students are to acquire knowledge of:
- social pedagogics as education, subject and field of application
- the concept of handicap, particularly social handicaps
- socialization, children and youth culture and problems with identity
- different explanations to social handicaps
- legislation and socio-political goals and means for work among children and adolescents
- social problems as a result of insufficient recreational activities
- gender related aspects of social handicaps
- current research on children's and adolescents' environment
- current issues in public discussions on social handicaps
Students are also to:
- develop awareness of their own attitudes and values concerning social handicaps
- acquire in-depth theoretical knowledge of psychological, socio-psychological and sociological views on social handicaps
- develop ability to apply theoretical knowledge in preventive work, planning of treatment and social training
- acquire an international perspective of social work among children and adolescents and knowledge of international agreements

Mental and social handicaps
Social pedagogics, psychosocial views and work
Different approaches and explanations to social handicaps
Youth culture
Social work from an international perspective
Mistreated children and adolescents - child abuse, sexual abuse and bullying
Addiction and criminality
Traumatic crises, ways of reacting to and dealing with crises
Aggression and violence among adolescents
Attitudes and values concerning social handicaps
Legislation for the social services and support from society
Psychosocial tasks, work for equality
Current research and public discussions

Lectures, lessons, seminars and group work. The theoretical parts of the course and the project work will be focused on social handicaps. The course is preparatory for the course PÄP008, People in Need of Special Support.

Evaluation of group assignments, individual assignments and participation in seminars.

Social pedagogics/seminars - course assignments 4.50ECTS
Social pedagogics/examination 3.00ECTS

Fahlberg, G & Magnusson, N (1993). Socialtjänstlagarna - bakgrund och tillämpning. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. ISBN 91-38-86130-9.
Gren, J (1994). Etik i pedagogens vardag. Lund: Liber förlag. ISBN 91-634-0729-9.
Johansson, H (1996). Examensarbeten. Luleåmodellen för lärarutbildningarna. Luleå: Centrum för forskning i lärande.
Jönsson, I, Tondman, M, Arnman, G & Palme, M (1993). Skola - fritid - framtid. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-38421-1.
Patel, R & Davidsson, B (1991). Forskningsmetodikens grunder. Att planera, genomföra och rapportera en undersökning. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-30951-1.
Rudberg, B (1993). Statistik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-37701-0.
Socialstyrelsen (1997). Röster om barns- och ungdomars psykiska hälsa. Delbetänkande av barnpsykiatrikommittén SOU 1997:8. ISBN 91-38-20491-6.
Stensmo, C (1991). Socialpedagogik. Lund: Studentlitteratur. ISBN 91-44-33631-4.

Utöver ovanstående tillkommer fack- och skönlitteratur om 350-400 sidor i anslutning till sociala handikapp som bestäms i samråd med examinator.


Further information: International Office

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15