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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Business Adm and Social Science

IES601 Basic Course in Political Science A 30.0 ECTS credits

I + II


Å Löfgren Univ adj



- The ambition of the basic course is that the student can aquire basic knowledge in political phenomena and conditions
- This newly aquired knowledge stimulates the student to independent and critical observation of actual political analysis and problems in society.

Course A: Political Theory.
- The political philosophy´s historical development.
- Origins of political ideologies.
- Modern political debate and its counterpart in past political philosophy.
- Relationships between the state and the individual.
Course B: Swedish and Nordic Politics and Administration.
- The political systems structure and functions, moulding of public opinion and influence.
- The political parties and pressure groups.
- Problems in connection with the realization of democracy and the goals of the welfare state.
- Nordic perspective.
Course C: Politics and Administration in a Global Perspective.
- Examination of developed and underdeveloped countries.
- Comparison of different national political systems, constitutions, inclination for conflict, economic politics and party political activities.
Course D: International Politics.
- Causes of war and the posibility of peace.
- Imperialism.
- Underdevelopment.
- Regional integration.
- The super powers and nuclear deterrent.
- International organizations roll in interstate cooperation.


Written exams, seminars and written and oral presentation of assignments.
Grading system: Fail, Pass or Honours.


Written exam 4.50ECTS
Written exam 4.50ECTS
Written exam 6.00ECTS
Written exam 6.00ECTS

A special list of literature will be presented for foreign students.COURSE LITERATURE
Course A: Political Theory.
Gardner,R.:"Greens and the Western Political Tradition", i Envionmental politics.
Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf/Prentice Hall (artikel).
Larsson, R. (1997): Politiska ideologier i vår tid. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lewin, L. (senaste upplagan): Upptäckten av framtiden. En lärobok i politisk idéhistoria. Stockholm: Norstedts.
Wendt Höjer, M. & Åse, C. (1999): Politikens paradoxer. Bjärred: Academia Adacta.
Österud, Ö.(1997):Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (Kapitlen 1-5, 15, 17)

Articles will be included later.

Reference literature:
Liedman, S. (1998): Från Platon till kommunismens fall. Stockholm: Bonnier, Alba
Malnes, R. & Midgard, K. (1994): De politiska idéernas historia. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Course B: Swedish and Nordic Politics and Administration.
Hadenius, S., (lated ed.). Svensk politik under 1900-talet. Konflikt och samförstånd.Stockholm: Tidens Förlag. ISBN 91-550-4214-7
Halvarson, A. (1999): Sveriges statsskick. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Halvarson, A. & Demker, M. (1996): Statsskicket i elva länder. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Kapitlen om Finland, Norge och Danmark.
Petersson, O. (1998): Kommunalpolitik . Stockholm: Nordstedts.
Petersson, O. (1998): Nordisk politik. Stockholm: Nordstedts.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (del 2)

Science magazine articles according to lecturers intructions.

Reference literature:
Birgersson, B-O & Westerståhl, J. (senaste upplagan): Den svenska folkstyrelsen. Stockholm: Publica.
Hadenius, S. m fl(1991). Sverige efter 1900; en modern politisk historia. Stockholm: Bonniers.
Holmberg, E. & Stjernqvist, N. (1995): Vår författning. Stockholm: Norstedts
Larsson, T (senaste upplagan): Det svenska statsskicket. Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
Petersson, O(1993).: Svensk politik. Stockholm: Publica.
Petersson, O. & Söderling, D.(senaste upplagan): Förvaltningspolitik. Stockholm:Publica.

Course C: Politics and administration in a Global Perspective.
Halvarson, A, & Demker, M. (senaste upplagan): Statsskicket i elva länder. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell
Larsson, R. (1997).Jämförande politik. Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
Lindahl, R. (red) (1998).: Utländska politiska system. Stockholm: SNS.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (Kapitlen 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 och 18).

International magazine articles according to lecturers instructions.

Reference literature:
Almond, G. & Powell, G.B. (1996): Comparative Politics Today. HarperCollins.
Hague, R., Harrop, M. & Breslin, S. (senaste upplagan): Comparative government and politics: An Introduction. London: MacMillan.
Roskin, M. (1998).: Countries & Concepts. An introduction to Comparative Politics. New Jersery: Prentice-Hall.

Course D: International Politics.
Jönsson, C., Elgström, O. & Jerneck, M. (senaste upplagan): Internationell politik. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lundestad, G. (1997). Öst, väst, nord, syd. Huvudlinjer i internationell politik 1945-1995.
Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (del 4)

Articles will be included later.

Reference literature:
Brown, C. (1997).: Understanding international relations. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Goldstein, J.S. (1996).:International relations. 2 ed. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
Vasques, J.A. (1996).: Classics of international relations. 3 ed. N.J: Prentice Hall.

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15