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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Business Adm and Social Science

IES304 Basic Course in Political Science A 30.0 ECTS credits

I + II


Å Löfgren Univ adj


The aim of the course is to give the students a basic knowledge about political phenomena and conditions. From this knowledge the students are stimulated to independently and critically consider present social problems and political analyses.
- The ambition of the basic course is that the student can aquire basic knowledge in political phenomena and conditions
- This newly aquired knowledge stimulates the student to independent and critical observation of actual political analysis and problems in society.

Political theory, 5 points
The historic development of political philosophy, the origin and development of political ideology, certain scientific and theoretical basics and the first look at modern political analysis. A general theme is to show how modern political discussions have correspondance in ancient time political philosophy, Matters as equality, justice, democracy and the relationship between government and individuals are classic and timeless problems that often occur in a different voice in our time.
Swedish and Nordic politics and management, 6 points
Structure and function of political systems, the activity of political parties and special-interest organizations, public law and administration and problems related to the emasculation of democracy and the purpose of the welfare-state. A Nordic perspective was chosen because comparisons have a stimulating effect on the reasoning of why different states chose different solutions on their democratic and managing procedures, why they tend to have different relationshipos to the world around and so on.
Politics and mangement in a global perspective. 5 points
An examination of a number of industrialized countries and under-developed countries. Comparisons between different political systems in the construction of nation, constitutional solutions, conflict-tendency, financial politics and political party activity. By these comparisons certain knowledge is obtained, why some countries are poor and others are wealthy, why certain regions are particularly exposed to political violence and others not, why democracy is a stabil political order in some countries but not in others and so on.
International politics, 4 points
Causes of war, basic conditions for peace, imperialism and under-development, regional integration, super-powers and nuclear deterrent and the role of international organizations in international co-operation. By the study of international politics, earlier obtained knowledge of national politics is confronted with international restrictions and possibilities. The reasons for Third World poverty for an example can not exclusively be seen as a cause of problems within the particular nation. Neither can the collapse of the communistic countries be understood without looking at the international political development.

Teaching will take the form of lectures and seminars. The seminars are compulsory.

Written examination at the end of each block. In addition to a passed written examination passed case studies and presence at seminars are required. Students who do not pass the ordinary exam, will have at least one additional opportunity to re-take the exam during the academic year. The grades are fail, pass and pass with honours.

Written exam 4.50ECTS
Written exam 4.50ECTS
Written exam 6.00ECTS
Written exam 6.00ECTS

A special list of literature will be presented for foreign students.COURSE LITERATURE
Course A: Political Theory.
Gardner,R.:"Greens and the Western Political Tradition", i Envionmental politics.
Hemel Hempstead: Harvester Wheatsheaf/Prentice Hall (artikel).
Larsson, R. (1997): Politiska ideologier i vår tid. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lewin, L. (senaste upplagan): Upptäckten av framtiden. En lärobok i politisk idéhistoria. Stockholm: Norstedts.
Wendt Höjer, M. & Åse, C. (1999): Politikens paradoxer. Bjärred: Academia Adacta.
Österud, Ö.(1997):Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (Kapitlen 1-5, 15, 17)

Articles will be included later.

Reference literature:
Liedman, S. (1998): Från Platon till kommunismens fall. Stockholm: Bonnier, Alba
Malnes, R. & Midgard, K. (1994): De politiska idéernas historia. Lund: Studentlitteratur

Course B: Swedish and Nordic Politics and Administration.
Hadenius, S., (lated ed.). Svensk politik under 1900-talet. Konflikt och samförstånd.Stockholm: Tidens Förlag. ISBN 91-550-4214-7
Halvarson, A. (1999): Sveriges statsskick. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell.
Halvarson, A. & Demker, M. (1996): Statsskicket i elva länder. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell. Kapitlen om Finland, Norge och Danmark.
Petersson, O. (1998): Kommunalpolitik . Stockholm: Nordstedts.
Petersson, O. (1998): Nordisk politik. Stockholm: Nordstedts.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (del 2)

Science magazine articles according to lecturers intructions.

Reference literature:
Birgersson, B-O & Westerståhl, J. (senaste upplagan): Den svenska folkstyrelsen. Stockholm: Publica.
Hadenius, S. m fl(1991). Sverige efter 1900; en modern politisk historia. Stockholm: Bonniers.
Holmberg, E. & Stjernqvist, N. (1995): Vår författning. Stockholm: Norstedts
Larsson, T (senaste upplagan): Det svenska statsskicket. Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
Petersson, O(1993).: Svensk politik. Stockholm: Publica.
Petersson, O. & Söderling, D.(senaste upplagan): Förvaltningspolitik. Stockholm:Publica.

Course C: Politics and administration in a Global Perspective.
Halvarson, A, & Demker, M. (senaste upplagan): Statsskicket i elva länder. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell
Larsson, R. (1997).Jämförande politik. Stockholm: Studentlitteratur.
Lindahl, R. (red) (1998).: Utländska politiska system. Stockholm: SNS.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (Kapitlen 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 och 18).

International magazine articles according to lecturers instructions.

Reference literature:
Almond, G. & Powell, G.B. (1996): Comparative Politics Today. HarperCollins.
Hague, R., Harrop, M. & Breslin, S. (senaste upplagan): Comparative government and politics: An Introduction. London: MacMillan.
Roskin, M. (1998).: Countries & Concepts. An introduction to Comparative Politics. New Jersery: Prentice-Hall.

Course D: International Politics.
Jönsson, C., Elgström, O. & Jerneck, M. (senaste upplagan): Internationell politik. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Lundestad, G. (1997). Öst, väst, nord, syd. Huvudlinjer i internationell politik 1945-1995.
Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Österud, Ö. (1997): Statsvetenskap. Introduktion i politisk analys. Stockholm: Universitetsforlaget. (del 4)

Articles will be included later.

Reference literature:
Brown, C. (1997).: Understanding international relations. Basingstoke: Macmillan.
Goldstein, J.S. (1996).:International relations. 2 ed. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers.
Vasques, J.A. (1996).: Classics of international relations. 3 ed. N.J: Prentice Hall.

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15