Luleå University of Technology
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Course Catalog 1999/2000

Business Adm and Social Science

IEO601 Organization and Leadership 15.0 ECTS credits

Q 2 - Q3


Sven-Åke Hörte Prof

Basic competence and standard competence A. Priority is given to applicants with three years of work experience

Part 1, Organization I, 7.5 ECTS:
After passing the course, students shall have knowledge of
- what organizations are like, how they are structured and how they work
- organizational structures, management and development

Part 2, Management, 7.5 ECTS:
The aim of part two is to
- provide advanced knowledge of management.

Part 1, Organization,
Organizations as a phenomenon are delt with. Social phenomena as groups, leadership, power and participation are other topics of importance. Culture, structures as well as organizational development are highlighted on the organizational level.

Part 2, Leadership
The course deals with leadership through different ways of clarifying the different functions of leadership. It is based on research in management developed over time and on current research in management in business administration. Thus, the course deals with the change of the role of the leader, the influence of the leader as to cognitive and strategic thinking, leadership as international competition parameter, assessment methods when recruiting leaders as well as leadership development.

Part 1, Organization:
Organizations as a phenomenon are delt with. Social phenomena as groups, leadership, power and participation are other topics of importance. Culture, structures as well as organizational development are highlighted on the oranganizational level.

Part 2, Leadership:
The course deals with leadership through different ways of clarifiying the different functions of leadership. It is based on research in management developed over time an on current research in management in business administration. Thus, the course deals with the change of the role of the leader, the influence of the leader as to cognitive and strategic thinking, leadership as international competition parameter, assessment methods when recruiting leaders as well as leadership development.

Part 2, teaching:
Teaching will take the form of lectures and seminars.




Leadership - Required assignments 3.00ECTS
Leadership - Written exam 4.50ECTS
Organisation - Written exam (Compulsory tests and Req assign 7.50ECTS

Part 1
Information about literature will be given when the course begins.

Part 2
Bolman L G, Deal T E, Reframing Organizations, Jossey-Bass Publishers, 1993
Schein, E, Organizational Psychology, Prentice Hall,, 1988 (p 1-181)
Wiberg, L, Teori 3, Nerenius och Santérus förlag, 1992
Another book on free choice, some articles and a novel will be added

Reference literature:
Källström A, I spetsen för sin flock, Förlags AB Industrilitteratur, 1995
Tollgerdt-Andersson, I., Framgång eller motgång, Liber, 1990
Tollgerdt-Andersson, I., Svenskt ledarskap i Europa, Liber Hermods, 1996

Policy om kursregistrering och antagning av reserver
Kursregistrering är obligatorisk och antagen student måste närvara vid kursregistreringen/ första sammankomsten för att behålla sin studieplats. Om student inte närvarar vid kursregistreringe och inte i förväg meddelat annat tolkar vi det som att studenten avstår sin plats på kursen. Reserver till kursen kallas till reservantagning och registrering samma dag - oftast inom samma timme - som ordinarie kursregistrering sker. Mer utförlig policy - beskrivning hittar du på http.//

Valid for the academic year 1999/2000.

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Last edited 1999-12-15