ARE026 Ergomomiska metoder och frågeformulärdesign 3.0 poäng | |
ÄMNE (enl SCB) Arbetsvetenskap NIVÅ/DJUP A G PROGRAM/TIDSPERIOD M.Sc. / SPRÅK: EXAMINATOR John Abeysekera Univ lekt FASTSTÄLLD The syllabus has been approved by the Board of the Department of Human Work Sciences Board on 11 June, 1997, and effective from autumn term, 1997. FÖRKUNSKAPSKRAV Possess a bachelors degree in science or 120 university points in the field of science or equivalent and have a good knowledge in English. MÅL This course will present some basic techniques employed in ergonomic studies and demonstrate how these techniques are used within a methodological framework for applying ergonomics. Likewise, knowledge in questionnaire design; question and answer construction and design; kinds of questionnaires; questionnaire implementation, quantification and analysis
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Utform av frågeformulär | 1.0poäng |
Inlämningsuppgifter | 2.0poäng |
LITTERATUR 1. Chapanis Alphonse., 1969. Research Techniques in Human Engineering, The John Hopkins Press, Baltimore and London 2. Corlett, E.N., and Wilson, J.R., 1990. Evaluation of Human Work. Taylor & Francis. 3. Oppenheim, A.N., 1992, Questionnaire design and attitude measurement, 2nd ed. (London: Heinemann) 4. Robson C., 1993, Real World Research (London: Blackwell) 5. Salvendy, G., 1987. Handbook of Human Factors, Wiley, N.Y. |
Universitetet | Student | Forskning | Sök | Kontakta oss | In English |
LULEÅ TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET Universitetsområdet, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. 0920-91 000, fax 0920-91 399 |