ARE014 Arbetsvetenskaplig statistik 3.0 poäng | |
ÄMNE (enl SCB) Arbetsvetenskap NIVÅ/DJUP C K PROGRAM/TIDSPERIOD T M.Sc. / Lp I SPRÅK: Engelska EXAMINATOR H Instance, Monfort Univ.Leicester, UK Utl lekt FASTSTÄLLD The syllabus has been approved by the Dept. of Human Work Sciences on 23 Sept, 1993 and will be effective from autumn term '95. FÖRKUNSKAPSKRAV Possess a bachelor degree in science or 120 university points in the field of science and have a good knowledge in English. MÅL The course will give the knowledge of basic concepts and important statistical methods. The course will develop a capability of statistical thinking and applying statistical methods in scientific research. INNEHÅLL Data collection; sampling, classification; Data presentation; Statistical distribution; Probability, Data analysis, significant tests, correlation, confidence intervals, comparison of two and more than two treatments; analysis of variance, regression analysis; Factorial design, Non-parametric methods; Experimental design; Use of statistical computer software. UNDERVISNING Teaching will consist of instruction classes in the form of lectures and practical excercises using computer statistical programs EXAMINATION Written tests and assignments KURSENS BETYGSKALA: U, G MOMENT/PROV | |
Inlämningsuppgifter | 1.0poäng |
Tentamen | 2.0poäng |
LITTERATUR 1. Box, Hunter and Hunter., 1978. Statistics for Experimenters, Wiley 2. Pagano, R.R., 1990. Understanding statistics in the behavioural sciences, 6th ed. (Minnesota; West) 3. David Howell., 1992. Statistical Methods for Psychology, (3rd Edition), Duxberry Press, UK. |
Universitetet | Student | Forskning | Sök | Kontakta oss | In English |
LULEÅ TEKNISKA UNIVERSITET Universitetsområdet, Porsön, 971 87 Luleå. Tel. 0920-91 000, fax 0920-91 399 |