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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS614 Religion A 30.0 ECTS credits

Q1, Q2


Majvor Ekberg Univ adj

General eligibility for admissions.

The aim of the course is to - give knowledge about contents and forms of expressing of different religions and their social functions in history and present time, - give knowledge about and understanding of encounter and confrontation of different religions and cultures, - give knowledge about and understanding of way of thought and forms of expressing in different religions and conceptions of life and how these influent the Man and the society, - give the students knowledge and understanding of religion as experience and behaviour, - give ability to work on ethical and existential issues.

The course illustrates different attidudes of life, faiths and traditions from different bases, in order to stimulate to reflection and decision.

The form of the teaching is lectures, group practices and seminars.

The examination is written and oral, individual and in group.
COURSE GRADE SCALE: Fail, Pass, Distinction.

Ethics and Philosophy of Religion/examination 4.50ECTS
Behavioural Science of Religion/examination 4.50ECTS
Religion Studies with Phenomenology/examination 9.00ECTS
History of Christianity/examination 6.00ECTS
Biblical studies/examination 6.00ECTS

* Moment 1 Albrektsson, B & Ringgren, H (1979). En bok om Gamla Testamentet. Lund. (valda delar) Gerhardsson, B (1989). En bok om Nya Testamentet. Kristianstad. (valda delar) * Moment 2 Tergel, A (1992). Från Jesus till moder Teresa. Kristenhetens historia. Stockholm: Verbum. (valda delar) Åberg, G & Martling, CH (1994). Det nya Europa i religionsperspektiv. Gleerups. Åkerlund, P (1990). Vår tro. Skellefteå. * Moment 3 Ringgren, H & Ström, Å (1994). Religionerna i historia och nutid. Gleerups. (valda delar) alt. Nielsen, N C, Jr, et al (1992). Religions of the World. Third edition. New York. * Moment 4 Geels, A & Wikström, O (1989). Den religiösa människan. Psykologiska perspektiv. En introduktion till religionspsykologin. Löberöd: Plus ultra. (valda delar) 351 s. Gustavsson, G (1991). Tro, samfund och samhälle. Sociologiska perspektiv. Uddevalla: Libris. (valda delar) 220 s. Frisk, L (1993). Nya religiösa rörelser i Sverige. Åbo. (valda delar) * Moment 5 Bråkenhielm, C R (red.) (1982). Aktuella livsåskådningar. Del 1 Existensiatism, marxism. Lund: Doca. 233 s. Frisk, L (1993). Nya religiösa rörelser i Sverige. Åbo. (valda delar) Hemberg, Holte & Jeffner (1982). Människan och Gud. En kristen teologi. Lund: Liber. 182 s. Koskinen, L (1993). Vad är rätt? Handbok i etik. Stockholm: Prisma. Alternativ litteratur kan diskuteras i samråd med examinator. Utöver ovan angiven litteratur tillkommer: Artiklar och stenciler Bibel Psalmbok


Further information: Mayvor Ekberg

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28