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Course Catalog 1998/99

Education and Teaching Methods

PÄS027 School and Community 15.0 ECTS credits



Lisbeth Lindström Univ adj

General entrance requirements and course admission requirements.

The aims of the course are that students: - gain familiarity with democratic and ethical issues in schools and in society - acquire theoretical and practical knowledge of schools as social institutions, of the steering of schools and of the teaching profession - gain a historical and social perspective of schooling and the development of schooling - acquire knowledge of the cultural versatility within Swedish schools - acquire basic knowledge of second language learning and of the situation at school for immigrant pupils - gain basic knowledge of the use of information technology in schools - learn to apply scientific work procedures by planning, realizing and reporting a project - gain knowledge and self-knowledge as educational leaders

- The fundamental democratic values of society - The political steering of pre-school, comprehensive school and the child care system for school children, the framing and function of policy and procedure guidelines/requirements, theories of curricula - The national and local responsibility for schools - The organization of schools, the school environment, the everyday activities of schools and the teacher's work - Schools today: ethics, responsibility and secrecy, "development talks" between teacher, parent and pupil, criteria for grading, grades and tests - Knowledge of immigrants, bilingualism, Swedish as a second language - The different computer networks in schools and applied information technology - Research methodology - Report writing - Reflected writing

The teaching will be characterized by problem-based work procedures, through which students will develop their ability to use new technology and to solve problems. The content and organization of the course will be based on the students' experiences and knowledge. Students will be given an assignment during the work experiences period.

Planning, realization and reporting of a project connected to the content of the course. Documentation of personal reflections on the content of the course.

Written documentation/project work and "portfolio" 3.00ECTS
Teaching practice/assignment 4.50ECTS
School of time/application to problem-based-learning 4.50ECTS
School and community/theoretical basecourse 3.00ECTS

Bengtsson, H (1994). Ansvar och sekretess i skola och barnomsorg. Ferm, L (1993). Demokrati i praktiken. Runa förlag. Gren, J (1995). Etik i pedagogens vardagsarbete. Johansson, H (1994). Examensarbete - Luleåmodellen (stencil). Centrum för forskning i lärande. Liljekvist, K (1994). Skolan och samhällsutveckling. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Skolverket (1994). Överenskommet. Fyra internationella överenskommelser som ligger till grund för de nya läroplanerna. Skolverket (1994). Att undervisa invandrarelever i svenska. Skolverket (1994). Vem bestämmer? En översiktlig beskrivning av skolans styrning och ansvarsfördelning. Skolverket. Bildning och kunskap. Skolverket. Utvecklingssamtal. Skolverket. Betygsboken. Socialstyrelsen (1987). Pedagogiskt program för förskolan. Allmänna förlaget. Socialstyrelsen (1988). Pedagogiskt program för fritidshem. Allmänna förlaget. Utbildningsdepartementet. Grunden för livslångt lärande SOU 1994:45 (valda delar) Utbildningsdepartementet (1994). Läroplan för det obligatoriska skolväsendet och de frivilliga skolformerna Lpo94. Kursplaner för det obligatoriska skolväsendet. Stockholm: Utbildningsdepartementet. Ett antal skönlitterära böcker om invandrarbarn och ungdomar Information och kunskap hämtas även från www Stencilerat material Videofilmer och kassettband från Utbildningsradion REFERENSLITTERATUR Bergman, P, Sjöquist, L, Bülow & Ljung, B. Två flugor i en smäll. Almqvist & Wiksell Hvnekilde, A (red). Matte på ett språk som vi förstår. Almqvist & Wiksell Sjöwall, A (1994). Kulturmöten i barnomsorg och skola. Lund: Studentlitteratur. Truedson, L (1995). Nyckeln till Internet för skolan. ISBN 91-1-953281-4.


Further information: Lisbeth Lindström

Valid for school year 1998/99.
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Last edited 1998-08-28